Woman: And are there any changes planned for the future?
Man: People ask me if I get frustrated or bored, but the job changes constantly.
男:人们问我是不是感到沮丧或无聊,但其实工作总在变化 。
This year we are moving away from wholesale office sales and more into high street retail sales of home computers.
今年,我们把工作重心从办公室批发采购转向商业街零售家庭电脑的销售方式 。
This is new ground for Hacker and presents me with a fresh set of challenges.
这是骇客的新天地,给我带来了一系列新挑战 。
Woman: Jim, we hear a lot about people working long hours these days.
女:吉姆,我们听说很多人现在都工作很长的时间 。
When do you finish work?
Man: I am not the sort of person who enjoys working late.
男:我不是那种喜欢加班的人 。
I try to get home by 7.
我尽量七点前回家 。
I won't work late at the office sitting behind the desk because I can do something like that equally well at home.
不会在坐在办公室里工作到很晚,因为我在家里也能把工作做好 。
But there's no way to avoid entertaining and meeting people in the evening, so two or three nights a week I stay in town.
但晚上也免不了会去参加娱乐活动或约见别人,所以我每周在城里住两三个晚上 。
I try to keep work and the weekend totally divorced.
我试着把工作和周末生活相分离 。
The week's devoted to Hacker, but the weekend is devoted to myself and my family.
工作日专注于公司事务,但周末时间就留给自己和家人了 。
Woman: Jim, thank you very much. It's been most interesting, and I'm sure our listeners have learnt a lot.
女:吉姆,非常感谢 。和您交谈真是太有趣了,我相信听众们都学到了很多 。
Man: Thank you. I've enjoyed it. And if you need any new computers for your offices ...
Woman: We know who to call!