Every New Year is a moment of rebirth.
每个新年都是重生的时刻 。
We sweep out the ashes of the old year and prepare for a brighter day.
在新年夜,我们关上过去一年的大门,满怀希望地展望未来 。
In 2022, millions of people around the world literally swept out ashes.
2022年,世界各地数以百万计的民众的确关上了过去生活的大门 。
From Ukraine to Afghanistan to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and beyond, people left the ruins of their homes and lives in search of something better.
从乌克兰到阿富汗,再到刚果民主共和国和其他国家,民众告别沦为废墟的家园,去寻找更美好的未来 。
Around the world, one hundred million people were on the move, fleeing wars, wildfires, droughts, poverty and hunger.
在全世界各地,有1亿人为躲避战争、野火、干旱、贫困和饥饿而迁移 。
In 2023, we need peace, now more than ever.
2023年,我们比以往任何时候都更需要和平 。
Peace with one another, through dialogue to end conflict.
在彼此之间实现和平,通过对话结束冲突 。
Peace with nature and our climate, to build a more sustainable world.
与自然和气候和平共存,建设一个更可持续的世界 。
Peace in the home, so women and girls can live in dignity and safety.
在家庭中实现和平,让妇女和女童能够有尊严地在安全环境中生活 。
Peace on the streets and in our communities, with the full protection of all human rights.
在街头和社区实现和平,充分保护所有人权 。
Peace in our places of worship, with respect for each other's beliefs.
在礼拜场所实现和平,尊重彼此的信仰 。
And peace online, free from hate speech and abuse.
在网上实现和平,不再有仇恨言论和侵害 。
In 2023, let's put peace at the heart of our words and actions.
2023年,让我们把和平作为自己言行的核心内容 。
Together, let's make 2023 a year when peace is restored to our lives, our homes, and our world.
让我们共同努力,让2023年成为在我们的生活、家庭、世界中恢复和平之年 。