日期:2023-01-06 10:28



Come Jan. 1, Singapore will raise its goods and services tax, otherwise known as the GST, from 7% to 8%. It's the first of two scheduled hikes of the GST, with the second slated to take place in January 2024, when the GST will be raised from 8% to 9%. The GST is a consumption tax imposed on nearly all goods and services in Singapore. Starting Jan. 1, 2023, GST will be imposed on imported low-value goods valued up to S$400. Currently, only imported goods valued above S$400 are subjected to the GST. With the change, all goods and services imported into Singapore, including imported goods purchased online, will be subject to the tax.


1.goods and services tax(GST) 商品和服务税

2.consumption tax 消费税(同义:Excise Duty)

3.imported low-value goods 进口低价值商品 subjected to the GST 需要缴纳商品和服务税(be subjected to 受到...经受...被迫接受...)


5.annual turnover 年营业额

例句:Businesses based in Singapore with an annual turnover exceeding S$1 million (US$742,000) are required to register for GST and charge GST on all taxable goods at the prevailing rate.


6.inflationary pressures 通胀压力

例句:Singapore's Parliament passed the bill to amend the GST in November, despite members of parliament from Singapore's opposition parties coming out against the hike, citing poor timing amid inflationary pressures.

新加坡国会于11月通过了修正消费税的法案,尽管新加坡反对党议员站出来反对上调消费税,理由是在通胀压力下,该政策的出台时机不佳。 hike 税收增加 (hike n. 价格、花费等的大幅度提高,猛增 v. 突然增加,突然提升)

例句:Economists held conflicting views on whether the tax hike will hit the nation's lowest earners harder than others.

