And in this case, with Beth, you co-wrote a book with her. What, what was that like?
。当时是什么情况?Well, let me rewind if maybe 10, 12 years ago, because Beth and I wrote the book over the pandemic.
。So we wrote this book virtually, which is wild.
。But when we first met, it was not love at first sight.
。And what I like to share is that I was at the Academy of Management, which is the major convening organization for professors of management as well as doctoral students, et cetera, I’d finished giving a talk, I stepped off the stage.
。There’s a queue of people waiting to speak to me, and I jokingly say that I saw this white woman skipping up to me, and she got into my face, sort of, she was very eager to meet me, and I was sort of, Whoa, wait a minute, security.
。I didn’t quite know what was happening, but that was Beth.
。And Beth had heard about me, and we had heard about each other through the academy, and she was interested in getting to know me at a deeper level.
。I was very resistant because in the academy as well as in my prior career, so I’ve been a banker and a consultant as well. Uh, I have been betrayed and largely at the hands of white women.
。And so when I saw a white woman bounding towards me, my defenses went up, and I was friendly, but I was not welcoming or embracing.
。It was only when I realized that Beth and I shared a common friend, a Black woman who I knew and trusted that I began to let my defenses down long enough to actually challenge and question myself.
。And the question that I asked myself, Curt, was, “Has Beth done anything to demonstrate that she is not trustworthy?”
And the answer was no.
。So I wanted to interrogate myself, “Why are you having this reaction?”
And so I talked to myself about the betrayals that I’ve experienced in the workplace and how this defensiveness that I was experiencing, it might be protective, meaning, it, it, it makes sense when someone is harmed by a particular group that they might not, uh, be as open to that interaction.
。But then you can’t stay there.
。And if I had allowed those defense mechanisms to stay there, I would’ve missed out on one of the closest relationships that I now have.