Your steak could soon be 3D-printed. That's if you live in Europe.
你的牛排也许很快就是3D打印出来的了--如果你生活在欧洲的话 。
Israeli company Redefine Meat has struck a partnership with importer Giraudi Meats to drive European distribution of its 'New Meat' steak cuts.
以色列公司Redefine Meat与进口商Giraudi Meats达成合作关系,以推动其“新肉类”牛排产品在欧洲的销售 。
The start-up is hoping to establish its products as an alternative to conventionally produced meat.
这家初创公司希望能将他们的这一产品作为传统肉类的替代品 。
Redefine Meat operates large-scale meat printers at its Rehovot headquarters south of Tel Aviv, as well as in a new factory in the Netherlands.
Redefine Meat在其位于特拉维夫南部的雷霍沃特总部以及荷兰的一家新工厂,运营着大型肉类打印机 。
Manager of the company's 3D-printers project Yaron Eshel explains how it works.
该公司的3D打印机项目经理亚伦·埃谢尔解释了它的工作原理 。
"When I want to create my steak I have a library of a few different slabs, I can choose each one of them and I can adjust it accordingly.
“当我想做我的牛排时,这里会有一个库,里面会有不同种类的牛排,任意一款都可以选择,并相应地来调整 。
I can define the amount of marbling, the internal fat, or the external fat.
我可以定义大理石纹、内部脂肪或外部脂肪的参数 。
And now I can start and go and print it and produce it.
现在我就可以开始打印并生产这块牛排了 。
This is my queue, this is my timeline for today, I know that in an hour or something from now I will need to refill the machine with new materials.
这是我的队列,这是我今天的时间表,我能知道在一个小时内或从现在开始,我要为机器补充新原料 。
But now I can go directly into the printing process, and you can see how the process starts to build layer by layer."
但现在我可以直接进入打印过程,这样你就可以看到这个过程是如何一层一层地开始构建的了 。”
The company makes its products from ingredients including soy and pea proteins, chickpeas, beetroot, nutritional yeasts and coconut fat.
该公司的产品原料包括大豆和豌豆蛋白、鹰嘴豆、甜菜根、营养酵母和椰子脂肪 。
Plant-based meat alternatives have become increasingly popular in recent years.
近年来,植物性肉类替代品越来越受欢迎 。
Spanish startup Novameat is also using 3D printing technology to manufacture vegetarian steaks.
西班牙初创公司Novameat也在使用3D打印技术生产素食牛排 。
But the early hype about plant-based meat alternatives has ebbed as inflation and recession worries have driven some customers back to cheaper animal meat products.
但随着通货膨胀和对经济衰退的担忧,使得一些消费者重新选择了更便宜的动物肉类产品,因此早期对植物性肉类替代品的热情已经消退 。
Companies such as U.S.-based Beyond Meat have cut their sales outlooks.
包括总部位于美国的Beyond Meat在内的多家公司,都已经下调了销售预期 。
Redefine Meat, however, has big ambitions. Its New Meat is currently available in Israel, Britain, the Netherlands and Germany.
不过,Redefine Meat公司有着很大的野心 。该公司的“新肉类”产品目前在以色列、英国、荷兰和德国等国家均有售 。
Almost 1,000 restaurants are currently paying about $40 per 2 pounds for its steak cuts.
目前有近1000家餐厅,会为这种牛排支付订单,价格为每2磅40美元 。
The company plans to launch its products at restaurants and butchers in France, then in Italy, Greece and Sweden later this year, and in dozens more countries in 2023.
接下来,该公司计划在法国的餐馆和肉店推出其产品,然后在今年年底在意大利、希腊和瑞典三个国家推出,到2023年,则是扩张到其他几十个国家 。