日期:2022-09-20 10:28



British Queen Elizabeth II has died aged 96, ending her record-breaking 70 years on the throne, Buckingham Palace announced in a statement. As the United Kingdom mourned the death of Queen Elizabeth II, shockwaves were sent around the world. She had led the British Royal Family for over seven decades, and she was also an important figure in Commonwealth realms and countries. A Commonwealth realm is a sovereign state in the Commonwealth of Nations whose monarch and head of state is the monarch of the United Kingdom.


1.Elizabeth II 伊丽莎白二世

2.Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫

3.British Royal Family 英国王室

4.Commonwealth realm 英联邦国家


5.coronation n. 加冕礼;加冕仪式

例句:At her coronation in 1953, Elizabeth II was crowned queen of seven independent countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon, which later changed its name to Sri Lanka.


6.ascend to the throne 登上王位

例句:She made 22 official visits to Canada after ascending to the throne in 1952, more than to any other Commonwealth realm. In second place was Australia with 18 visits, according to The Royal Family's official website.

