日期:2022-07-27 10:28



As prices surge and the UK economy struggles more than most of its peers, Starbucks is reportedly looking for an exit. The company is engaged with advisers to determine whether it could — or should — sell its business in the United Kingdom, according to UK newspaper The Times.

据报道,随着物价飙升,以及英国的经济状况比大多数其他国家要更加困难,星巴克正在寻找出路。 据英国《泰晤士报》报道,该公司正在与顾问协商,以决定是否可以(或应该)出售其在英国的业务。

1.price surge 物价飙升(surge v. 急剧上升,激增)

2.look for an exit 寻找出路(exit n. 出口)

3.sell one's business 出售业务

The report comes at a time that the UK economy is in tough shape, making it difficult for businesses to operate and for residents to make ends meet. UK inflation hit 9.1% in May — a 40-year high and the highest rate among the leading G7 economies. And there's no relief in sight: Inflation is forecast to climb above 11% later this year. Food prices in particular have been soaring, creating a cost of living crisis for many in the UK. Disposable incomes are on track for the second biggest fall since record keeping began in 1964, according to the Bank of England.

该报告发布之际,英国经济形势严峻,企业难以运营,居民入不敷出。 英国5月份的通货膨胀率达到9.1%,这是40年来的新高,也是七国集团主要经济体中最高的通胀率。 目前还看不到缓解的迹象:预计今年晚些时候通胀率将攀升至11%以上。 尤其是食品价格一直在飙升,给许多英国人造成了生活成本危机。 英国央行的数据显示,英国人的可支配收入正出现自1964年开始记录以来的第二次最大降幅。

4.make ends meet 收支相抵;勉强维持生计

5.G7 economies 七国集团(Group of Seven包括美国、英国、法国、德国、日本、意大利和加拿大)

6.disposable income 可支配收入

7.Bank of England 英格兰银行(英国的中央银行)


8.Starbucks Corporation 星巴克公司

例句:Starbucks Corporation is an American multination chain of coffeehouses and roastery headquartered in Seattle, Washington. It is the world's largest coffeehouse chain.

星巴克公司是美国一家跨国连锁咖啡店和烘焙工坊,总部位于华盛顿州西雅图。 它是世界上最大的咖啡连锁店。

9.coffee sales 咖啡销量

例句:For Starbucks, coffee sales were hit when customers began working from home.


10.coffee chain 咖啡连锁店

例句:The coffee chain launched operations in the UK in 1998.

