DISD secondary students will be sporting a new accessory when school resumes next month: clear or mesh backpacks.
在下个月返校时,达拉斯独立学区的中学生们将会配备一种新的装备:透明或网状的背包 。
They're one of the latest tools districts are adopting for the sake of safety.
这是该学区出于安全考虑而采用的最新手段之一 。
"It's a part of a larger plan, and I believe that the hope is that, you know, it's one more item that can help deter potential threats and also to ensure safety for our students."
“这是一个更大计划的一部分,我认为这是一个可以帮助阻止潜在威胁,也可以确保我们学生的安全的计划 。”
Backpacks must be clear or meshed throughout, though the straps can be a solid color.
按照规定,背包必须是透明的或网状的,而背带则可以是纯色的 。
Students can carry in it a non-clear pouch no larger than 5.5 by 8.5 inches to hold items, such as a cell phone, money and hygiene products.
背包内,学生可以允许放入一个不大于5.5x8.5英寸的非透明袋,以便存放手机、纸币或卫生用品等物品 。
Kennedale ISD in Tarrant County made the same decision. The Superintendent says the teachers voiced wide support.
塔兰特县的肯尼代尔独立学区也做出了同样的决定 。该学区负责人表示,老师们对此普遍表示支持 。
"I think our educators just being in a situation where they can see,you know, what's coming into the building.
“这样一来,我们的教育工作者就可以清楚看到什么东西被带进入了教学楼 。
Just being able to put eyes on something that, you know, makes things a whole lot simpler."
只要能把目光集中在特定的一些东西上,就能让事情变得简单很多 。”
DISD says clear backpacks are not the only answer to guarantee safety.
达拉斯独立学区方面称,透明背包并不是保证安全的唯一办法 。
But with a comprehensive plan in place, including use of additional metal detectors,
and active shooter trainings, trained monitors, security door checks and secure vestibules in many schools, they hope it's more than a start.
校内无特定目标的射击演习、经过检测的监控器、安检门和安检门廊,他们希望,这不仅仅是一个开始 。