Macao is marking 22 years since it returned to China and became a Special Administrative Region.
今年是澳门回归中国成为特别行政区22周年 。
A special flag-raising ceremony was held earlier at the iconic Golden Lotus Square.
在早些时候,在地标性建筑金莲花广场,举行了一场特殊的升旗仪式 。
It was attended by top Macao officials including Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng.
包括特区行政长官贺一诚在内的多名澳门高层官员出席了仪式 。
A number of Olympians from the Chinese mainland were also present.
来自中国大陆的多名奥运会运动员也出席了仪式 。
After the flag-raising ceremony, a dragon and lion dance competition was held among groups of local teenagers.
升旗仪式结束后,澳门当地的青少年举行了一场舞龙舞狮表演 。
Local residents said they feel glad to see Macao's prosperity in the past two decades.
澳门当地居民表示,他们很高兴见证澳门在过去二十年的繁荣发展 。
I'm so glad, I arrived half an hour early this morning, I've been attending this flag-raising ceremony for over 20 years.
我很高兴,今天早上我提早半个小时到达了这里,我已经参加了20多年的升旗仪式 。
And the atmosphere is different every year. It only gets better.
每年的气氛都不一样 。只会变得越来越好 。
Today, we welcome our national athletes and I feel quite excited.
今天,我们迎来了我们的国家运动员,我感到非常兴奋 。
Seeing them now has encouraged us greatly, especially the younger generation, to work harder for Macao's development.
看到他们,我们深受鼓舞,特别是对年轻一代,鼓舞他们为澳门的发展作出更大的贡献 。
I continue to hope for our country's prosperity, and for Macao's economy to recover as quickly as possible.
我希望我们的祖国繁荣昌盛,也希望澳门的经济尽快复苏 。