日期:2022-07-05 10:28



A series of BRICS-related meetings hosted by China wrapped up on Friday. Experts worldwide react positively to Chinese President Xi Jinping's words at the events, saying he spoke the minds of developing countries by putting forward proposals to maintain world peace and boost global development.

周五,由中国主办的一系列金砖国家相关会议落下帷幕。 世界各地的专家对中国国家主席习近平在活动上的讲话做出了积极的回应,习主席提出了维护世界和平、促进全球发展的建议,说出了发展中国家的心声。

1.BRICS 金砖五国(Brazil巴西、Russia俄罗斯、India印度、China中国、South Africa南非)

2.developing countries 发展中国家

3.maintain world peace 维系世界和平

4.boost global development 促进全球发展

Xi hosted the 14th BRICS Summit and the High-level Dialogue on Global Development in Beijing via video link on Thursday and Friday respectively. He also attended the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum virtually on Wednesday.


5.BRICS Summit 金砖国家峰会

6.High-level Dialogue on Global Development 全球发展高层对话会

7.BRICS Business Forum 金砖国家商务论坛


8.BRICS Plus 金砖+

例句:At the BRICS Xiamen Summit in 2017, the "BRICS Plus" approach was adopted.


9.emerging economy 新兴经济体

例句:Currently, some notable emerging market economies include India, Mexico, Russia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China, and Brazil.


10.G20 二十国集团

例句:The G20 or Group of Twenty is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union (EU). It works to address major issues related to the global economy, such as international financial stability, climate change mitigation, and sustainable development.

20国集团是一个由19个国家和欧盟组成的政府间论坛。 它致力于解决与全球经济相关的重大问题,如国际金融稳定、减缓气候变化和可持续发展。
