And how much does that usually cost? Like, how much is it to buy the actual home itself?
You know, it ranges widely in price from about $25,000 to over $300,000, depending on where you live.
Beyond that, though, almost all mobile-home park residents are paying rent for the actual land that their house sits on.
And so even if they've paid off their house or bought it with cash, they're having to pay this monthly fee that it can go up at any time.
There often aren't locked-in leases, and if there are, you know, they're up for renewal just like any apartment lease would be.
For a lot of people who have been priced out of the traditional housing market, mobile homes have become a way to own something.
They own the four walls that they live in, and they feel like it's a sound investment.
You know, they're either getting sort of a cheaper option than a traditional house or an apartment, and they're just paying for the rent underneath their home.
But as that rent goes up, many of them are saying that they're getting the worst of both worlds.
They don't get the benefits of home ownership, they don't get appreciating home prices or, you know, the resale value that comes with the soaring housing market,
but at the same time, they don't get a lot of the protections that renters do, and they don't have that option of just picking up and leaving like they would if they lived in an apartment.
In some ways, it almost feels like the worst of the housing market, meaning the worst of like the car market -- right?
-- Of, like, as soon as you buy the thing, it starts to depreciate, but at the same time that they're, you know, kind of beholden to their house, that it's, like, difficult to leave if you're underwater, if you don't have another option.
Exactly. And that's what I heard over and over again, was that, "I thought this was a sound investment.
I thought I was making a smart decision, but I would never do this again."
Hmm. And can you talk about why this is important, like, where the mobile-home market fits into the larger housing market in the U.S. and the housing crisis?
Overall, about 20 million Americans live in mobile homes.
It makes up about 6% of the country's overall housing supply.
But it is unequivocally the cheapest option for many families, especially if they don't receive government aid.
Oftentimes, it's the most vulnerable populations that are already struggling to get by.
Many of the mobile-home residents I talked to are living on a fixed income.
Maybe they're on Social Security or disability, and they just don't have any options beyond that.
And this is another way that the housing market is really exasperating inequalities during the pandemic.
I mean, we've seen homeowners benefit from skyrocketing home values.
All of a sudden, they built all of this equity, and, you know, they're not having to worry about their monthly fees going up.
They have locked-in mortgages.
But renters and people who want to buy homes are being priced out, and that's even more so the case for many mobile-home owners who are already in a more vulnerable position than others.