Having gained the support of more than 750 members of Hong Kong's election committee on Sunday,
John Lee Ka-chiu did enough to be elected the region's next chief executive.
李家超成功当选了下任香港特别行政区行政长官 。
The former security chief actually did a lot more than that.
而实际上,这位前保安局局长获得的选票数远远多于这个数字 。
He secured all but a dozen of the votes cast by 1,428 election committee members.
在总共1428名选举委员会委员进行的投票中,只有12张选票没有支持他 。
Once Lee receives a final approval from the central government in Beijing, he will be inaugurated on July 1.
只要通过中国中央政府的最终批准,李家超就将于7月1日就任香港特首 。
This will coincide with the 25th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong to China.
而这一天恰逢香港回归中国25周年纪念日 。
Lee says he's keen to hit the ground running when he takes over.
李家超称,他上任后将积极开展工作 。
My first task is to form a cabinet. I have less than two months until July 1.
我的首要工作是组建新班子 。7月1日之前我还有不到两个月的时间 。
I shall start working on it immediately. I have confidence in this regard.
我会立即开始工作 。我在这方面有信心 。