National Day is a great day in China. It represents independence, strength, and national confidence.
国庆节在中国是非常重要的节日 。代表着独立、强大和民族信心 。
The military parade has been an important part of the National Day ceremony.
阅兵式一直是国庆庆典的重要组成部分 。
From 1949 to the present, there are a total of fifteen National Day parades held.
从1949年至今,前后共举行了十五次国庆阅兵 。
The number of representatives of the army, navy, and air force on parade is generally around 10,000, who usually train for six months to a year.
受阅官兵人数一般均在万人左右,包括陆海空三军,而进行阅兵训练的时间一般在半年到一年之间 。
Usually, there is also a mass parade behind the military parade.
通常阅兵后都会有群众游行 。
In 2019, more than 100,000 people from all walks of life took part in it.
2019年就有10万名各行各业的群众参与其中 。
The entire parade is broadcast live on all major TV stations.
整个游行在所有主要电视台进行现场直播 。
The Chinese National Day is seven days in mainland China, two days in Macau, and one day in Hong Kong.
中国大陆的国庆假日为7天;澳门特别行政区为2日,香港特别行政区为1日 。
People usually take the 7-day holiday travel because of the long holiday and good weather.
人们通常会趁着7天假期出去旅游,因为这段假期较长,而且天气好 。
So a sea of tourists everywhere.
所以在很多地方,游客的数量都非常多 。
There are three tips for you.
关于黄金周旅游,给你三个建议 。
If it's possible, it is recommended to avoid traveling during this time.
如果可能,建议避免在此期间旅行 。
If you have to, try to avoid the hot places.
如果只有这段时间可以出行,尽量避开热门的目的地 。
Book your tour early, including hotel, transportation, entrance, and others.
尽早预订您的行程,包括酒店、交通、门票等 。
On National Day, the national flag rises at 6:10 A.M. in Tiananmen Square.
在国庆节期间,天安门广场的国旗升旗时间为6时10分 。
Hundreds of thousands of people gather to watch it.
数十万人会聚集在此,观看升国旗仪式 。
On October 1st, 2018, 145,000 people were gathering in Tiananmen Square to watch the flag-raising ceremony.
2018年10月1日,来自全国各地的14.5万名群众齐聚天安门广场,观看升国旗仪式 。
There are also some other activities like firework displays, light shows, and flowerbed exhibitions.
同时,各地还会有一些其他的活动,如烟花表演、灯光秀和各式各样的花坛 。