With the ban on dine-in services, Meizhou Dongpo, a Sichuan cuisine restaurant, has adapted its services during the May Day holiday.
在“五一”期间,川菜馆眉州东坡根据禁止堂食的政策,对其服务进行了调整 。
Customers can order online for delivery, or pick up the food at the restaurant as long as they present a green health code and negative results from a nucleic acid test within 48 hours.
顾客可以在网上订外卖,并且只要提供绿色健康码、48小时内核酸检测结果为阴性,也可以在餐厅取餐 。
Sales on the platforms saw a big rise, we receive approximately 500 orders from delivery platforms a day.
外卖平台的销量大幅上升,我们每天能从平台收到约500份订单 。
Delivered platforms, such as Meituan and Ele.me, have prepared an expected increase in activity during the dine-in ban across Beijing.
包括美团、饿了么在内的外卖平台,已经为“北京禁止堂食导致业务量将有所增加”做好了准备 。
Both platforms have shortened the approval process to less than an hour for new restaurants to join the sites and launch their takeaway services.
他们都将新餐厅加入平台并推出外卖服务的审批流程缩短到不到一个小时 。
However, the demographic of the APP's active users is limited.
不过,APP的活跃用户量毕竟是有限的 。
Chen Aihong says relying solely on the third-party platform isn't enough for them to survive.
陈爱红表示,仅仅依靠第三方平台是无法保证餐厅生存的 。
To reach out to as many customers as possible, the restaurant developed their own Mini Program on Wechat for easier and faster ordering.
为了能触达尽可能多的顾客,眉州东坡餐厅在开发了自己的微信小程序,使点餐更容易、更快捷 。
They've also promoted their menus to the communities nearby.
此外,他们还向附近的社区宣传了他们的菜单 。
Once the orders are ready, they're delivered to customers.
一旦下了订单,他们就会派送给顾客 。
Despite these strategies, the manager says the outbreak has reduced their revenues, but they do know the dine-in ban is with good reason.
陈爱红经理表示,尽管采取了这些措施,但疫情的爆发还是让他们的营收有所减少,但他们明白,禁止堂食是有着充分的理由的 。
The dine-in ban is expected to last until May 5, no word yet on whether this could be extended.
堂食禁令预计将持续到5月5日,目前还没有消息表明该禁令是否会延长 。
The ban is on top of other recently imposed restrictions to enforce social distancing and minimize viral transmission.
这项禁令是建立在最近实施的其他限制措施基础之上的,目的是增加社交距离,最大限度地减少病毒传播 。