What in Valerie’s examples and response here connects to how you think about managing up?
I think in what Val said, what really resonates with me is that throughout my career, I just got smarter about studying my bosses and how they worked.
So, this can often be in conflict and at odds with showing up as our authentic selves or the best version of ourselves, and the reality is, there are power dynamics at work.
So, our job is to make our bosses look good, ourselves good, our team, our companies look good, and so, studying bosses, like in the way when you just… the joke about the two-line summary, "just say, yes."
I had one boss who once told us from the beginning, "the titles of your emails have to be action-oriented; urgent request, approval request, for your review and consideration, FYI."
I had one boss who never looked at emails.
We were on a very large campus, so I got really smart about meeting him and walking him to meetings.
So, I would walk with him, bring my little file and say, "Can you approve this bottle shot?"and he was engaged.
I had one boss who really only liked to be making decisions over text.
I had somebody who I knew would be there at 8:00 am before all the chaos started, and if I could get into his office then while he had his cup of coffee, I could get him early and get a lot of approval.
So, I think there’s this piece of studying people’s behaviors and how they respond, and how often have we ever asked our bosses, "How do you like to work?"
So, Mita, let’s step back for a moment.
I know some people in my life, and I imagine some of our listeners are like, “Why am I managing them?
That is not my job. They are my manager.”
Can you just give us a summary of why this is an important skill?
It’s an important skill because you start to think of your relationship with your boss as a co-partnership.
You’re both in it to be successful, neither of you will be successful without the other, and so, if you think about it in any relationship that matters, you try to meet people halfway.
I’m not going to totally become that person.
I’m not going to maybe meet them all the way, but if I start to take a few steps forward, they’ll take a few steps forward.
So, I had another boss who really liked before every one-on-one I had to fill out a Google Sheet of all the things I had been working on, and I found that to be highly annoying and I did it for a while.
Then I think she started to recognize that it was not how I worked, and she started to let it go and to say,
“Okay, maybe once a quarter, you can just sort of send me an update of all the projects and things you’re working on,”
because she had seen me consistently making an effort to work in the way that she wanted to.
But as the trust was built, she said, “Okay, I trust her.
I know she’s making an effort and this is not how she likes to work, so let’s meet in the middle.”