Former President Barack Obama returned to the White House on Tuesday for the first time since leaving office in 2017
to tout the benefits of his signature healthcare law and bolster his friend and former governing partner, President Joe Biden.
宣传他标志性的医改法案的益处,并对他的朋友、前执政伙伴乔·拜登总统表示支持 。
"I heard some changes have been made by the current president.
“我听说现任总统做出了一些改变 。
There's a cat running around which I guarantee you Bo and Sunny would have been very unhappy about."
怎么有一只猫跑来跑去的,我敢保证,要是波和桑尼知道这事肯定会不高兴的 。”
Obama offered broad praise of the Affordable Care Act, whose passage he described as a "high point" of his time in office.
奥巴马对《平价医疗法案》不吝赞美之词,他称该法案的通过是他执政期间的“巅峰” 。
"If you can get millions of people health coverage and better protection, it is, to quote a famous American, a pretty big deal",
a reference to an off-color remark by then VP Biden picked up on a hot mic when the law was signed.
这句话出自当时还是副总统的拜登在签署法案时被麦克风录下的粗口 。
Biden lauded Obama for his leadership on the healthcare law.
拜登对奥巴马在医改法案上的领导作用大加赞赏 。
"The Affordable Care Act has been called a lot of things but Obamacare is the most fitting."
“《平价医疗法案》有很多种叫法,但“奥巴马医改法案”肯定是最合适的 。”
Biden unveiled a measure to fix an element of the healthcare law known as the "family glitch"
that left family members of those with access to employer-provided health plans ineligible for certain subsidies.
该问题导致那些享受雇主提供的医疗保险的上班族的家庭成员没有资格获得某些补贴 。
The White House said the proposed adjustment to the Affordable Care Act would save hundreds of dollars a month for hundreds of thousands of families.
白宫方面表示,对《平价医疗法案》的拟议调整,将为数十万家庭每月节省数百美元 。
Biden signed an executive order directing federal agencies to continue doing everything in their power to expand affordable, quality health coverage,
and left the former president with this advice: "and Barack, let me remind you, it's a hot mic."
并给前总统留下了这样的忠告:“贝拉克,我提醒你一句,这个麦克风可没关啊 。”