Four people died and eight others were injured in a highway bridge collapse in Ezhou, Central China's Hubei Province,
where serious overloading was reportedly to be the cause,
as the load of one of the trucks running on the bridge surpassed the weight limit nearly three times.
当时桥上行驶的一辆卡车的负载,超出桥梁承载能力近3倍 。
In response, experts said that the authorities should raise the standards for bridge safety due to worsening overloading problems.
对此,专家们表示,由于超载问题日益严重,应该提高桥梁安全标准 。
The accident took place on Saturday afternoon when a 500-meter-long ramp overpass tilted to one side at nearly 90 degrees,
crushing one car, which ran along the expressway under the bridge.
导致在桥下高速公路上行驶的一辆汽车被压碎 。
Three trucks moving in the same direction on the bridge fell off.
三辆同向行驶的卡车从桥上掉落 。
An investigation is underway.
事故调查正在进行中 。
A person in charge of the Hubei Edong Yangtze River Bridge Corp believes a serious overloading problem was possibly the main cause.
湖北鄂东长江公路大桥有限公司的一位负责人认为,严重超载可能是事故发生的主要原因 。
One of the fallen trucks weighs 198 tons, which is nearly four times the bridge's maximum weight of 49 tons.
其中一辆卡车重198吨,几乎是该桥梁最大承重49吨的4倍 。
The bridge had only one single-column pier.
而且这座桥只有一个单柱式桥墩 。
Experts told the media that such a type of bridge is very prone to collapse, especially when many vehicles are moving on the same side.
专家向媒体透露,这种类型的桥梁很容易垮塌,特别是当多辆车辆同向行驶时 。