International Women's Day.
国际妇女节 。
International Women's Day takes place every year on the 8 March to celebrate the achievements of women worldwide.
每年的3月8日是国际妇女节,用来庆祝全世界女性所取得的成就 。
The day is also used to recognize women who've made significant contributions to the advancement of their gender.
这一天也被用来表彰那些为性别进步做出重大贡献的女性 。
International Women's Day was first celebrated on March 19 in 1911.
第一个国际妇女节是在1911年的3月19日 。
A million women and men rallied in support of women's rights on that first International Women's Day.
在第一个国际妇女节当天,共有100万男女集会,以支持女性权利 。
The United Nations officially supported International Women's Day "to reflect on progress made, to call for change,
and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's rights."
庆祝在女性权利历史中发挥了非凡作用的普通妇女的勇气和决心的时候 。”
The 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day in 2011 resulted in many celebrations around the world, and brought a lot more attention to International Women's Day.
2011年是国际妇女节100周年,世界各地举行了许多庆祝活动,也引起了人们对国际妇女节的更多关注 。
Recently, the world has witnessed a significant change in society's thoughts about women's equality.
最近,世界见证了关于女性平等的社会观念发生的重大变化 。
Many from a younger generation may feel that most battles have been won for women.
许多年轻的一代可能会觉得,女性的大多数斗争已经取得了胜利 。
While many from the 1970s know that unfortunately,
women are still not paid equally to their male counterparts, women are still not equally present in business or politics.
女性仍然没能够与男性同工同酬,在商业或政治领域的地位仍然不平等 。
And globally, women's education and health is worse than that of men.
在全球范围内,女性的教育和健康状况也不如男性 。
However, great improvements have been made.
但目前整体来说已经取得了很大的进步 。
We do have female astronauts and prime ministers, school girls are welcomed into University, women can work and have a family. Women have real choices.
我们拥有了女宇航员和女总理,大学校园也对女学生敞开大门,女性可以工作并拥有家庭 。女人有了真正的选择 。
And so, each year the world inspires women and celebrates their achievements.
每年,全世界都在激励女性,庆祝她们的成就 。
International Women's Day is an official holiday in many countries.
国际妇女节是许多国家的法定节日 。
The tradition sees men honoring their mothers, wives, girlfriends, colleagues with flowers and small gifts.
在传统中,男性会用鲜花和小礼物来为他们的母亲、妻子、女朋友和同事庆祝节日 。
In some countries, International Women's Day has the equivalent status of Mother's Day, where children give small presents to their mothers and grandmothers.
在一些国家,国际妇女节的地位等同于母亲节,孩子们会给他们的母亲和祖母送小礼物 。
So, make a difference, make every day International Women's Day, do your bit to ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.
所以,做出改变,让每一天都成为妇女节,为确保女孩们的未来是光明的、平等的、安全的和有益的,贡献出你的一份力量 。