AJ, Tristan and Ben are having a drink in their local pub.
AJ,特里斯坦和本在当地的一家酒吧喝酒 。
Tristan is eating some nuts, but one gets stuck in his throat.
特里斯坦吃着坚果,但这时一个坚果卡住了他的喉咙 。
He begins to cough and points to his throat, but quickly stops coughing.
他开始咳嗽,然后指着自己的喉咙,但很快咳嗽就停止了 。
Ben asks Tristan, "Are you OK?"
Tristan clutches his throat, and AJ realizes what is happening.
特里斯坦掐住了自己的喉咙,这时AJ意识到发生了什么 。
He shouts, "He's choking! Help!"
AJ then stands behind Tristan and says, "I am just going to put my hands around your waist."
随后AJ站在了特里斯坦身后,并说道:“我要用手环抱住你的腰 。”
He puts his little finger on Tristan's bellybutton.
他先是把小拇指按在了特里斯坦的肚脐上 。
He rolls his hand into a fist so that his thumb is close to the rib cage.
接下来他把自己的手攥成拳头,这样可以使他的拇指接近特里斯坦的胸腔 。
He clasps his fist with his other hand.
并用另一只手紧握住拳头 。
AJ then pulls his fists into Tristan's tummy, and thrusts in and up in a J motion.
然后AJ将拳头放在特里斯坦的腹部,并以一个“J”型的动作向上推挤 。
This is repeated until the nut is dislodged.
重复该动作,直到坚果咳出为止 。
Tristan coughs up the nut thanks to the life-saving actions of his friends.
就这样,多亏了朋友们的救命之举,特里斯坦最终咳出了坚果 。