Gu Fangzhou has a nickname, "grandpa sugar pill".
顾方舟有一个别名,叫做“糖丸爷爷” 。
He developed an oral vaccine that has prevented countless children from contracting polio.
他研发了一种口服疫苗,使得无数儿童免遭小儿麻痹症的侵害 。
In the 1950s, Gu Fangzhou was in his 30s, he was assigned to a project researching a vaccine for polio.
20世纪50年代,30多岁的顾方舟被指派研究小儿麻痹症疫苗 。
In 1960, the team he was leading successfully developed China's first domestic inactivated polio vaccine.
1960年,他领导的团队成功研制出了中国国内首批小儿麻痹症灭活疫苗 。
But before it could go into widespread use, it had to be tested on children.
但在广泛使用之前,该疫苗必须要先在儿童体内进行测试 。
Gu Fangzhou's eldest son was the first to try it.
于是,顾方舟的大儿子就成为了第一个测试者 。
After a period of observation, to the delight of Gu Fangzhou and his colleagues, the oral vaccine was deemed safe.
经过一段时间的观察,让顾方舟和他的同事们高兴的是,该口服疫苗被认为是安全的 。
In 1965, a nationwide campaign was launched to vaccinate against polio.
1965年,一场全国性的小儿麻痹症疫苗接种运动展开了 。
In 1978, the sugar pill vaccine was included in the prescribed immunizations for children.
1978年,该糖丸疫苗正式纳入了儿童处方免疫 。
In October 2000, the World Health Organization declared that China was polio-free.
2000年10月,世界卫生组织宣布中国为无小儿麻痹症国家 。
In 2013, the application rate of 11 vaccines, including those for hepatitis B, BCG and polio for children, reached 90 percent in rural areas.
2013年,在农村地区,包括乙肝、卡介苗、小儿麻痹症等在内的11种疫苗,普及率达到了90% 。