Winter is here, which means it's time for warm clothes, thick socks and getting shocked by everything you touch.
冬天到了,这就意味着要穿上暖和的衣服和厚袜子了,还有就是触摸一切东西时都会被电到了 。
What do doorknobs and light switches have against you?
Electrons, mostly.
主要就是电子 。
Static shocks occur when two things with different electrical charges get close enough.
当两个带有不同电荷的物体靠得足够近时,就会产生静电 。
You see this as cloth fresh from the dryer, door handles, and balloons.
你可以从刚从烘干机里拿出来的衣服上、门把手、气球上感受到静电 。
It happens in nature, too. Lightning is just a really big static discharge.
它也发生在自然界 。雷电只是一种强烈的静电放电 。
These charges get built up through friction,
like when you're walking across carpet in thick wool socks or putting those warm flannel sheets on the bed for the winter.
比如当你穿着厚厚的羊毛袜子走过地毯,或者在冬天把温暖的法兰绒床单放在床上时 。
And yes, it's worse when it's cold out.
是的,当天气寒冷的时候情况会更糟 。
In dry winter air, there's less water vapor to conduct charge away from you.
在空气干燥的冬季,水蒸气量变得更少,身上产生的电荷不能及时被带走 。
The lower the humidity, the higher the voltage of static discharges.
湿度越低,静电放电电压越高 。
So now you know -- not that knowing will make it any easier to brave the door handle every morning.
所以现在你知道了吧--但了解了这些,并不能让我们每天早上更勇敢地面对门把手 。
If you take off those fluffy socks, not only will you ground yourself, but you'll also cause less friction as you walk.
你可以脱下那些毛茸茸的袜子,这不仅会让你自己脚踏实地,走路时也会减少摩擦 。
Or, if you'd rather keep your toes warm, a humidifier can prevent the air in your home from drying out.
或者,如果你不想让脚感到寒冷,那么就用加湿器吧,它可以防止家里的空气变干 。