This morning after plundering crops and charming the world, a herd of wild Asian elephants on an epic trek appears to be heading home, coaxed by drones and bananas.
今天早上,在无人驾驶飞机和香蕉的引诱下,因长途跋涉而引起世界关注的野生亚洲象群在肆虐庄稼后,似乎要回家了 。
There are now 125 miles from where they started in Xishuangbanna, where a second herd has been on the move.
现在距离它们在西双版纳的出发地还有125英里(约201千米),同时,第二批象群已经开始迁徙 。
This time, 17 of them leaving a nature reserve.
这一次共有17头野生亚洲象离开了自然保护区 。
At one point, occupying the local botanical gardens, drones captured them there swimming, splashing around, and taking naps.
无人机曾捕捉到野生亚洲象群在西双版纳植物园逗留,它们在那里游泳、戏水和打盹 。
They hit Nahimsa Campo Sarcias, an elephant expert here, figures they're going further to seek out food.
在这里,它们遇到了大象专家纳希姆萨·坎波·萨西亚斯,他认定象群将进一步寻找食物 。
They eat 400 pounds of it a day. Grasses, bamboo, wild bananas, palms.
象群每天要吃掉400磅(约181千克)食物 。食物包括野草、竹子、野香蕉、棕榈果 。
They will just be on the move continuously, and they cannot spend too much in a place because they will consume all the resources.
它们将不断迁徙,而且不会在一个地方停留太久,因为那样会消耗掉所有的资源 。
China's wandering elephants gained global fame back in June when that first heard made it 300 miles North of here, causing $1 million damage along the way.
早在六月份,这批中国的流浪象群就吸引了全球的关注,当时传闻它们向北迁徙了300英里(约483千米),沿途造成了100万美元的损失 。
Here it's hard to spot the wild elephants from the ground, and besides, they're known to be aggressive.
这里很难看到野生大象,而且众所周知,它们具有侵略性 。
The herd has been wandering about 2 miles from here into the rain forest, where they find what they like, more food and few people.
象群已经从这里游荡了大约2英里,进入了雨林,并在那里找到了自己喜欢的东西,也就是更多的食物和很少的人类 。
With protection laws, the population of wild elephants roughly doubled to 300 since the 1990s.
由于相关的保护法律,自20世纪90年代以来,野生大象的数量大约翻了一番,达到300头 。
But they've lost two-thirds of their habitat to development and farmland, forcing a coexistence with humans that may not always be peaceful.
但它们三分之二的栖息地被开发和农田占用,这使得它们不得不与人类共存,而这种共存并不总是祥和的 。
They can make mistakes. When you have more room for choice, you can also make bad choices of what to go, what to do.
它们可能会犯错误 。当你有更多的选择余地时,你也会做出关于去哪里、做什么的错误选择 。
Both herds are being tracked using infrared cameras, drones, and night vision.
我们对这两个象群使用了红外摄像机、无人机和夜视仪进行跟踪 。
There are situation rooms with an early warning system.
我们还有配备预警系统的情况室 。
Videos from surveillance cameras and live streams have made the elephants Internet stars here.
监控摄像头和直播视频让大象成为了这里的网红 。
Every sentient, elephants get sad, the fans get happy. You can see this sound. This is very expressive, right?
大象每次感知后都会觉得不舒服,但粉丝们很高兴 。你可以听到这个声音 。很有表现力,是吧?
But the most striking images are those of the elephants on their own. A rare glimpse, even for experts at life in the wild.
但最引人注目的还是大象自己的照片 。这种照片难得一见,即使对于野外生活专家来说也是如此 。