Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced Friday he does not intend to run for reelection,
setting the stage for his replacement after just one year in office.
为继任者当选做好准备,而菅义伟政府仅仅上台了一年 。
Hopes were initially high for Suga, who took over after Shinzo Abe resigned last September due to health problems.
在去年9月安倍晋三因健康问题卸任后,菅义伟接任了日本首相一职,最初人们对他寄予厚望 。
Since then, Suga's handling of the global health crisis and a rocky vaccination rollout pulled his approval ratings down below 30%.
不过之后,由于菅义伟对全球卫生危机的应对,以及疫苗接种覆盖率的低下,使他的支持率降至不到30% 。
Suga said Friday he hoped to focus on battling the pandemic instead.
菅义伟周五表示,他希望现阶段更专注于抗击疫情 。
"While I had the schedule to run in the election, thinking about COVID measures and election activities needed an enormous amount of energy.
“虽然我有参加选举的打算,但同时应对新冠疫情和选举活动需要耗费大量的精力 。
In that situation, I could not do both. I needed to choose one."
在此情况下,我无法两者兼顾 。我需要从中做出选择 。”
Suga's comments cap off a rollercoaster week in which he pulled out all the stops to save his job.
菅义伟的这一表态,使得他过山车般的一周得以结束 。在这一周中,他在竭尽全力地保住自己的工作 。
Ruling Liberal Democratic Party officials said Suga will finish his term as its president until his successor is chosen in a party-wide election slated for September 29.
日本执政党自民党的有关人士表示,菅义伟将在9月29日的全党选举中选出继任者,在此之前他还会继续担任自民党总裁 。
The winner of the contest is all but assured of becoming premier because of the LDP's majority in the lower house.
由于自民党在众议院占多数席位,因此此次竞选的获胜者,几乎可以肯定将成为日本新任首相 。
The government has been considering holding the general election on Oct. 17.
日本政府正在考虑10月17日举行大选 。