Voice 1: How likely is it that an HIV positive mother will pass the virus on to her baby? Well, this depends on what she does. If the woman does not do anything, there is about a one in four hance that she will pass the virus to her baby during her pregnancy or the birth. If the mother breast feeds after the baby is born, the risk of transmission is even higher. However, knowledge and action can greatly reduce these risks.
声音1:携带艾滋病病毒的母亲将病毒传染给婴儿的可能性有多大?这取决于她做什么 。如果母亲什么都不做,那在怀孕或分娩期间,她将病毒传染给婴儿的几率是四分之一 。如果母亲在婴儿出生后哺乳,传播的风险就更高 。然而,知识和行动可以大大降低这些风险 。
Voice 2: Knowledge is the most important thing in preventing HIV transmission from mother to baby. The WHO says that pregnant women need to know if they are HIV positive. This means health care centers must offer HIV testing services. If a woman knows her HIV condition she can make better decisions for herself and her unborn baby. Some women are frightened to get an HIV test. They believe their families or communities may reject them. But informed pregnant women can make better choices for their pregnancies and birth deliveries.
声音2:就预防艾滋病母婴传播而言,最重要的是知识 。世卫组织表示,孕妇需要知道自己是否是艾滋病病毒携带者 。这意味着卫生保健中心必须提供艾滋病病毒检测服务 。如果女性知道自己的艾滋病病毒状况,她就可以为自己和未出生的婴儿做出更好的决定 。有些女性害怕接受艾滋病病毒检测 。她们认为家人或社区可能会排斥她们 。但知情的孕妇可以为怀孕和分娩做出更好的选择 。