Voice 1: The uniforms have nothing to do with Japan's own military past. And they do not represent Japanese culture either. But, Japan established its education system in the eighteen seventies. At that time Japan looked to countries like Germany, France, and Britain for ideas. So today, Japanese school uniforms still model those old ideas. This concerns many Japanese people. They do not like the uniforms and what they represent. Many people want to create new uniforms that are more Japanese.
声音1:这些校服与日本以前的军队没有任何关系 。而且也不代表日本文化 。日本在19世纪70年代建立了教育体系 。当时,日本借鉴了德国、法国、英国等国的想法 。所以,现在日本的校服仍以这些古老的想法为模型 。这令许多日本人感到担心 。他们不喜欢这些校服,也不喜欢这些校服代表的意义 。许多人想创造更具日本风格的新校服 。
Voice 2: This example from Japan leads into the next reason why many people do not like school uniforms. They believe uniforms take away individuality. That is, uniforms do not let children express who they are. These people believe that children should wear what they want to school. Choosing clothes is a way to express yourself.
声音2:日本的例子引出了为什么许多人不喜欢校服的另一个原因 。那就是,他们认为校服夺走了个性 。也就是说,校服让儿童无法表达出自己 。这些人认为孩子应该穿自己想穿的衣服上学 。选择服装也是一种表达自己的方式 。