Voice 2: There is really nowhere to cross the road. You have to run across several lanes of traffic to get to the other side. A speeding bus hit Deana as she crossed the road. The bus driver did not even slow down.
声音2:没有可以穿过马路的地方 。要想到对面去,只能穿过数条车道 。在蒂安娜过马路时,一辆高速行驶的巴士撞到了她 。巴士司机甚至都没有减速 。
I was travelling for my work at the time. My brother in law called me to tell me the terrible news. You can imagine my guilt and shame. I should have been in Cairo. I could have driven her to the party.
当时我正在上班路上 。我妹夫打电话告诉了我这个可怕的消息 。你们可以想象到我当时的内疚和羞愧 。我本应该在开罗 。我本可以开车送她去派对 。
Deana was beautiful. She had a beautiful smile. She enjoyed life so much. ... Deana wanted to be a tooth doctor for children. She loved children.
蒂安娜非常漂亮 。她笑起来很美 。她非常享受生活……蒂安娜想成为儿科牙医 。她喜欢孩子 。