This is BBC news, the headlines.
Police and protesters clash outside the parliament building in the Lebanese capital Beirut as grief turns to anger after Tuesday's explosion in the city.
在黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特 警察和抗议者在议会大楼外发生冲突 周二该市发生爆炸 人们的心情已经从悲痛变成了愤怒
People there accused the government of negligence and say corruption and mismanagement led to the deadly blast at a warehouse storing ammonium nitrate.
贝鲁特的人们指责政府玩忽职守 称腐败和管理不善导致了储存硝酸铵的仓库发生致命爆炸
France's president is the first foreign leader to visit the country since the disaster.
He was mobbed by people pleading for help and asking that those responsible face justice.
他被群众围困 人们向其寻求帮助并要求将相关责任人绳之以法
Emmanuel Macron called for a profound change in Lebanon's leadership and an international investigation.
埃马纽埃尔·马克龙呼吁对黎巴嫩领导层进行深刻变革 并进行国际调查
In the U.S, the powerful gun lobby the National Rifle Association is in the firing line with the state of New York trying to get the group dissolved.
在美国 强大的枪支游说团体美国步枪协会(National Rifle Association)成为了众矢之的 因为纽约州试图解散该组织
The attorney general's brought a lawsuit accusing its leaders of fraud, allegations that the organization denies.
司法部长起诉该组织领导人欺诈 该组织否认了这一指控