Yes, that's the point. We're against each other. Iyiyiyi.
是的,这就是重点 。我们是对立的 。嘻嘻嘻嘻 。
How are you doing? You like games. I love games.
你状态还OK吗?你喜欢游戏,我喜欢游戏 。
But time crunch type of games like these, I do not like.
但是像这样的限制时间类的游戏,我不喜欢 。
So screw you for inviting me to this one.
去你的,邀请我来这里 。
But you have five seconds. It's not time crunch. You have five seconds.
但你有5秒钟的时间 。不是时间紧迫 。你只有5秒钟 。
Five seconds, to you, seems like an eternity, does it? Yes. Yes. Yes.
对你来说,5秒就像是永恒,不是吗?是的,是的,是的 。
Well, that's where we differ. Uh-huh, I see. Well, tWtich is going to read a category.
好吧,那就是我们不同的地方 。嗯,我明白了 。好的,tWtich将会读一个问题 。
Yes. And then we will take turns. You saw Quinn do so well in this. Yes!
是的 。然后我们将轮流回答 。你看到奎恩在这方面做得很好 。是的!
And we have five seconds to name three things. I'll go first to show you how easy it is.
我们有五秒的时间说出三件事 。我先让你演示一下这有多容易 。
And I don't know the categories. I'm not shown them. So I cannot cheat.
我也不知道问题类型 。我没给他们看 。所以我不会作弊 。
tWtich, what are they? Ellen, name three things you yell when you win a game.
tWtitch,问题是什么呢?艾伦,当你赢了一场比赛时,说出你会喊出的三句话 。
I won! Ah-hah! In your face! Loser! Wow, bonus points. That was four.
我赢了!啊-哈!当着你的面!你这个失败者!喔,加分 。一共才4个 。
Well, I get carried away. She said she had time. And I still had 1.8 seconds.
好吧,我太激动了 。她说她有时间 。我还有1.8秒 。
Can you apply that to your next one? No, you cannot. OK.
你能把这个时间挪到下一个问题吗?不,你不能 。好的 。
OK, Julia, name three things you yell when you lose a game!
Ah! oh, why! That's not fair! Way to go. That's good. See?
啊!哦,为什么!太不公平了!行,好 。回答地很好啊 。你看?
Five seconds, it's a long time. All right. Good.
五秒,那是很长的时间 。好吧 。不错 。
OK, Ellen, tell us three things you've done in the White House.
好吧,艾伦,告诉我们你在白宫做了三件事 。
I have danced. I have received the Medal of Honor. And I have been carded.
我跳过舞 。我已经获得了荣誉勋章 。有人要求我出示身份证 。
0.1. One second. Nice. OK, Julia, name three things you yell when watching the news.
0.1秒 。稍等 。不错 。好吧,茱莉亚,说出你看新闻时喊的三句话 。
Give me a break! Get off the screen! Get out of office!
Ellen, name three things you can squeeze. A butt, lemon, and kiwi.
艾伦,说出三样你能挤的东西 。屁股,柠檬,和奇异果 。
I don't-- I object. Am I allowed to object? Yes, you're objecting to the kiwi?
我不-我反对 。我可以反对吗?可以,你反对奇异果?
Yeah, I have a problem with that. I guess-- I squeeze one this morning. Because--
是的,我对此有意见 。我猜--我今天早上挤了一个 。因为--
I didn't squeeze it for juice. I tested it to see, for the ripeness. So I squeezed it. Go on.
我不是为了榨汁才挤的 。我只是检测了一下,看它是否成熟 。所以我就捏了一下,继续 。
OK, Julia, name three things you can stretch. Pantyhose, bubble gum, and a rubber band!
好吧,茱莉亚,说出三件你可以伸展的东西 。丝袜,泡泡糖,橡皮筋!
Oh, boy! You did it! We're tied! You're tied up. Oh, we are?
哦,天哪!你都做到了!我们比分打平了!你忙得不可开交的 。噢,是吗?
It's all tied up. All right. All right.
都忙得不可开交的 。好吧 。好吧 。
OK, Ellen, give us three other words for butt. Bootay, caboose, ass. Nice.
好吧,艾伦,给我们三个词来形容屁股 。屁股,守车,屁股 。不错 。
Oh, wow, OK, Julia, give us three daytime-friendly nicknames for a woman or man's private parts.
哦,哇,好吧,茱莉亚,给女人或男人的私处起三个友好型的绰号 。
Um, kooch-- Dink? I want to apologize to all of the United States of America.
嗯,kooch和丁克?我要向美利坚合众国全体人民道歉 。
Go see Downhill. It opens in theaters on Valentine's Day. We'll be right back.
去看电影《每况愈下》吧 。这个是情人节那天在电影院上映 。我们很快就回来 。