It's September, 1993.
时间,1993年9月 。
And it's finally the weekend. "Yay!"
终于到周末了 。“耶!”
"That's right."
“没错 。”
Movie tickets only cost four dollars and 14 cents.
这时候,电影票才卖4美元14美分 。
Frasier--- "I'm listening"...just premiered on NBC,
《欢乐一家亲》- - -“我在听”……刚开始在NBC台首播,
and women were finally allowed to wear pantsuits on the Senate floor.
女性终于能穿长裤套装到参议院去了 。
It's Saturday morning, and that means one thing. Cartoons.
现在是周六早晨,而周六早晨就意味着一件事 。动画片 。
(The show.)
So at eight a.m., "Animaniacs" was on Fox Kids,
and we scheduled a meeting with Rob Paulsen, the guy who voiced Yakko.
我们约到了罗布·鲍尔森,也就是给《狂欢三宝》里的雅克配音的罗布·鲍尔森 。
"Oh, sure.
“没问题 。
Okay, well let's see, I'm Yakko Warner; hello, nurse."
嗯,我试试,我是雅克·华纳;你好,护士 。”
We wanna know about the "Nations of the World" song.
我们想听听“世界各国”这首歌的故事 。
"Well, the interesting thing is that it only took me one take to record it." "What?"
“这样啊,有意思的是,这首歌我是一条过的 。”“啥?”
"United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean, Greenland, El Salvador too."
多米尼加,古巴,加勒比,格陵兰岛,还有萨尔瓦多 。"
(The art project)
For most of us, Perler beads got left in the 1990s alongside HitClips and Oakley Minutes. "Cool."
对我们大多数人而言,拼拼豆豆,HitClips(一种迷你随身听)和Oakley Minutes墨镜都已经成了封存在90年代的回忆了 。“酷 。”
Hello, can you hear me?
"Loud and clear." Perfect.
“没问题 。”很好 。
Kyle is an artist, but rather than paint or pen, he uses Perler beads, even today.
凯尔是一名画家,但他既不用颜料,也不用钢笔,他用拼拼豆豆作画,即便是今天也是如此 。
"I am all-Perler, all the time.
“我只用拼拼豆豆,一直都是用这个 。
Perler beads were invented by a Swedish man in the 1960s.
拼拼豆豆是20世纪60年代一个瑞典人发明的 。
It was originally a therapy material for older folks."
原本是给老年人用的一种治疗材料 。
Kyle sees your '90s Perler bead posters and raises you this.
凯尔看了看你们90后那些拼拼豆豆海报,就给你甩出了个这 。
"I would say, without a doubt, my most ambitious project has got to be Project Springfield,
which is 40-square-foot mural of the Simpsons' hometown.
这幅壁画足足有40平方英尺(3.7平方米) 。
It's over 140,000 individually placed beads. And it took me about two years."
“一共是14万多块豆豆,我用了差不多两年的时间才拼完 。”
It's your nostalgia, only elevated.
也算是你的怀旧方式了,只不过方式更高级一些 。
(The birthday parties.)
"Happy birthday!"
The holy trinity of the '90s kids' birthday party was simple. Pizza, cake, and laser tag.
那时,“90后”生日派对的老三样很简单 。披萨,蛋糕,光剑游戏 。
"Pew pew, pew pew!" Amen.
“biu,biu,biu,biu,” 天呐 。
So we talked to the man responsible for all of that.
于是,我们找这玩意儿的“始作俑者”聊了聊 。
"Hi, I'm George Carter, I invented laser tag about 30 years ago."
“大家好,我是乔治·卡特,30年前,我发明了光剑游戏 。”
The game was inspired by a pretty famous movie.
游戏的灵感来自于名气非常大的一部电影 。
"The movie 'Star Wars.'
“这部电影就是《星球大战》 。
I had watched them going up and down the halls of the ship shooting lasers at one another.
看到里面那些人拿着光剑在飞船上砍进砍出 。
And I thought I'd put it in some sort of context and make rules, and we got a great game then.
It was more competitive back in the early days.
刚开始的时候竞争更激烈 。
Well, laser tag today has moved into family entertainment centers,
with actually more people playing than ever before."
现在玩儿这款游戏的人比以往任何时候都多 。
And there it is, your weekend, and some of the people behind it, 1993. "Yay!"
好了,以上就是有关1993年的周末是什么样,以及背后的一些重要人物的全部故事啦 。“耶!”