日期:2019-12-09 06:33


"These clay jars…do you have an ample supply?"
"We do, my lord, and thank you for asking."
"You won't mind if I take some, then. A few thousand."
"A few thousand?"
"Or however many your guild can spare, without interfering with production. It's empty pots I'm asking for, understand. Have them sent round to the captains on each of the city gates."
"I will, my lord, but why…?"

Tyrion smiled up at him. "When you tell me to dress warmly, I dress warmly. When you tell me to be careful, well…" He gave a shrug. "I've seen enough. Perhaps you would be so good as to escort me back up to my litter?"
"It would be my great, hmmm, pleasure, my lord." Hallyne lifted the lamp and led the way back to the stairs. "It was good of you to visit us. A great honor, hmmm. It has been too long since the King's Hand graced us with his presence. Not since Lord Rossart, and he was of our order. That was back in King Aerys's day. King Aerys took a great interest in our work."
King Aerys used you to roast the flesh off his enemies. His brother Jaime had told him a few stories of the Mad King and his pet pyromancers. "Joffrey will be interested as well, I have no doubt." Which is why I'd best keep him well away from you.
