Hello, I'm Ros Atkins with the headlines on BBC World News.
你好,我是BBC世界新闻头条的罗斯·阿特金斯 。
Thirty years after the Hillsborough disaster the British police commander in charge of the day has been found not guilty.
在希尔斯堡惨案过去三十年后,负责当日事件的英国警察指挥官被判无罪 。
David Duckenfield was cleared of gross negligence manslaughter of 95 Liverpool fans who died at the FA Cup semi-final.
大卫·德肯菲尔德重大过失杀人罪不成立 。当时有95名利物浦球迷在足总杯半决赛死亡 。
President Donald Trump has made a surprise appearance in Afghanistan to visit US troops for Thanksgiving.
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普出人意料地出现在阿富汗,在感恩节之际拜访了美军 。
It is his first trip to the country. He told troops that the US will substantially drawing down its numbers in Afghanistan.
这是特朗普第一次访问阿富汗 。他告诉军队,美国将大幅减少在阿富汗的驻军 。
At least 30 people have been killed in Iraqi. One of the bloodiest day since anti-government protest began last month,
伊拉克至少有30人丧生 。这是自上个月反政府抗议活动开始以来最血腥的一天之一 。
majority died when security forces open fire to clear bridges in the southern city of Nasiriya.
安全部队在南部城市纳西里亚向桥梁扫射造成了大多数人的死亡 。
And the UN has warned the Zimebabwe on the brink of a man-made starvation with 60% of people unable to meet their basic food needs.
联合国警告称,津巴布韦正处于人为饥荒的边缘,60%的人无法满足他们的基本食物需求 。