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Michael Cohen who was Donald Trump's lawyer and fixer for ten years has told a committee of Congress in sworn testimony he fears there won't be a peaceful transfer of power if Mr. Trump loses the election next year.
唐纳德·特朗普的前律师及十年以来的问题解决者迈克尔·科恩在国会委员会前宣誓作证 称其担心如果特朗普输掉明年的总统选举 权力交接不会很顺利
He called him a racist, cheat and con man.
Michael Cohen is already facing jail for lying to Congress and to the US government.
President Trump's began a second day of talks with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un saying speed is not important to him in reaching a deal.
特朗普总统开始了与朝鲜领导人金正恩的第二天会谈 他表示为达成协议 速度并不重要
After warm words on the first day, he is under pressure to secure concrete steps towards ending the North's nuclear weapons program.
第一天的寒暄过后 他现在面临压力 需要制定出结束朝鲜核武器项目的具体步骤
India is demanding the return of a pilot whose fighter was shot down by Pakistan, a major escalation between the two nuclear-armed neighbors over Kashmir.
印度要求巴基斯坦归还其飞行员 他的战斗机被巴击落 这两个拥有核武器的邻国因克什米尔对峙升级
Pakistan says it shot down two Indian planes after a raid on Indian controlled territory which released video of the captured pilot.
巴基斯坦称其对印控克什米尔发动突袭后 击落了两架印度飞机 并发布了被捕飞行员的视频