Being in a relationship has rewarding experiences.
恋爱是值得的经历 。
When you're with a healthy partner, you learn to grow with someone, step out of your comfort zone
and your social life extends as you build connections with their family members and friends.
并且当你与他们的家人和朋友建立联系时,你的社交生活就会扩展 。
But being single has its benefits too; we're tired of social media mainly highlighting relationship goals.
但单身也有益处,我们都厌倦了强调关系目标的社交媒体 。
Why not start a #singlegoal movement too? Here are eight reasons to be single.
为什么不发起一个 #singlegoal运动呢?以下是单身的八个理由 。
1. You can save money.
1. 你可以省钱 。
Who else here is a broke millennial? Although there are ways to be creative and spending less on dates,
a certain budget still has to be established when entering relationships.
Transportation and gift-giving for instance are harder aspects to avoid.
例如,交通费和送礼物都不难以避免的 。
But when you're single, your bank account will thank you for it... Unless you're an impulsive spender in general.
但单身的话,你的银行账户将会因此而感谢你......除非你是个冲动消费的人 。
To gain insights on how to spend more wisely, check out The Financial Diet's channel.
要获得关于如何更明智地消费的见解,请查看理财饮食频道 。
They offer practical advice that's easy to use.
他们会提供实用的建议 。
Anyone can use it; whether you're still a student figuring out finances or someone who wants to travel more.
任何人都可以使用,不论是一个搞财务的学生还是想要多多旅行的人 。
2. You can fortify your friendships and family relationships.
2. 你可以巩固你的友谊和家庭关系 。
When people enter relationships, it's common for them to pull off the disappearing act.
对恋爱的人来说,消失是很常见的 。
They might not see their family and friends until they enter the comfortable stage of their relationship,
which can take up to six months to a year for them to realize they actually miss having a social life outside of their partner.
这可能会持续6个月到1年的时间,到那时他们才意识到他们错过了伴侣之外的社交生活 。
When you're single however, you can make plans with your close loved ones
without having to consider your partner's schedule too... Yay freedom!
而不用考虑你伴侣的日程安排 。就是这么自由!
3. You can explore new hobbies.
3. 你可以探索新的爱好 。
This isn't to say you can't do the same when you enter a relationship with someone.
这并不是说,你恋爱的时候就不能探索新爱好了 。
In fact, they might actually encourage you to try new things you never would have considered in the first place.
事实上,他们其实还能鼓励你尝试从未考虑过的新事物 。
But, there's something special about embarking on this journey alone.
但是独自开始这段旅程有些特别 。
Whether that means taking up knitting, snowboarding or cooking classes.
不论这意味着学习编织、滑雪或烹饪课程 。
You become one with your passion with less interruptions and distractions.
你和你的激情融为一体,减少干扰和干扰 。
4. You can go after your dream job more easily.
4. 你可以更容易地追求你梦想的工作 。
The thing about being in relationships is that they require compromise on both partners to grow on the same page in order to sustain.
恋爱时需要相互妥协才能在同一页上成长,以维持恋爱关系 。
But when you're single, you don't have to limit yourself to one location, which may affect your ideal job opportunities.
但当你单身时,你不必把自己限制在一个地方,这可能会影响你理想的工作机会 。
You can just pack up your bags and leave whenever you can.
你可以随时收拾行李离开 。
If your heart is tugging you to move into the big city to become a fashion designer, no problem,
or if you want solitude and quiet residing in the middle of nowhere is also an option without having to worry about neglecting your partner.
又或者如果你想要独处和安静,在偏僻的地方居住也是一个选择,而且还不必担心忽视了你的伴侣 。
5. You can be selfish without consequences.
5. 你可以自私而不计后果 。
My boyfriend and I take times watching our shows on TV, and I'm not gonna lie,
I often miss those days where I could just binge watch my drama series without having to worry about hogging the screen.
我经常怀念那些可以尽情看我的电视剧而不用担心占用屏幕的日子 。
But when you're single, you can be selfish without hurting someone else. If you want to go to that restaurant this weekend, you can.
但是当你单身时,你可以自私而不伤害别人 。如果你这个周末想去那家餐馆,你可以去 。
The less people you have to run a decision by, the better.
做决定时需要考虑到的人越少越好 。
Because when you experience these moments alone, the only person that affects is you.
因为当你独自经历这些时刻时,唯一影响你的人就是你自己 。
6. You deal with less drama.
6. 你处理的事情没那么戏剧化 。
Oh, let me tell you, fighting with your partner is not fun, but when you're with a person,
the fights are well in which they strengthen your relationship instead of weakening it.
这样的争吵很好地巩固了你们的关系,而不是削弱了它 。
Single life however works in your favor, because the only drama you have to deal with is from family, friends and work.
但单身生活对你有利,因为你唯一要处理的事情就是家庭、朋友和工作 。
You have one less life department to worry about, therefore you also have fewer emotions to sort through.
你少了一个需要担心的生活部门,因此你也就少了一些需要整理的情绪 。
7. You master self-sufficiency.
7. 你掌握自给自足 。
If you're someone who needs validation frequently, being single can work to your advantage.
如果你是一个经常需要别人认可的人,单身会给你带来好处 。
I know you might be itching for a fulfilling relationship,
but establishing a strong healthy relationship with yourself is actually the most vital to your growth.
但是和你自己建立一个强大的健康的关系才是成长中最重要的 。
Once you've established a strong sense of self, you're more likely to avoid co-dependent relationships in the future.
一旦你建立了强烈的自我意识,你就更有可能在未来避免相互依赖的关系 。
How is that not fantastic?
And 8. You still experience the excitement of finding your soul mate.
8. 你仍然能体验到找到灵魂伴侣的兴奋 。
The possibilities will seem endless.
可能性似乎无穷无尽 。
You might meet 'the one' on your summer trip or maybe it will happen as of next year in next semester's class.
你可能会在你的暑假旅行中遇到“那个人”,也可能在明年下学期的课上遇到 。
Work on yourself, surround yourself with the things you love and the right person will come along.
专注自己,让自己沉浸在你喜欢的事物中,正确的人就会出现 。
You never know what's gonna happen, so be patient.
你永远不知道会发生什么,所以要有耐心 。
Enjoy the present and be thankful that you're alive in this very moment.
享受现在,感谢你还活在当下 。
What are you grateful for towards single life? Share your thoughts with us and leave a comment down below.
你对单身生活的感激是什么?请与我们分享你的想法,并在下方留言 。
If you also like this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up. As always, thanks for watching!
如果你也喜欢本期视频,请点赞 。一如既往,感谢收看!