Feelings, like water, can be as strong as a tidal wave or as gentle as a ripple.
情感就像水一样,可以如浪潮一样强烈,也可以似涟漪一样温柔 。
Like the waves on the ocean, they rise and fall and can swamp you if you're not careful.
就像大海上的波浪一样,潮起潮落,如果你不小心,它们就会把你淹没 。
A skilled sailor can use the tides to go anywhere they want whereas a bungler is doomed to follow where the waves lead them.
一个熟练的水手可以利用潮汐去往他们想去的任何地方,而一个笨手笨脚的人注定要跟着海浪走 。
To help us all sail true, here are 10 more psychological facts about human feelings.
为了帮助我们所有人正确航行,以下是关于人类情绪的10个心理学事实 。
One: Emotional Signals.
1. 情绪信号 。
Erving Goffman, a trailblazing social scientist distinguished two types of emotional signals, intentional and unintentional.
尔文·戈夫曼是一位开拓性的社会科学家,他区分了有意和无意两种情绪信号 。
He called these two types of signals 'given and given off', which serve as forms of communication.
他称这两种类型的信号为“给予和流露”,它们是一种交流形式 。
Goffman named his theory after the drama that actors perform on stage
where they try to portray the characters emotions and hide their own.
在舞台上演员们尝试刻画角色的情绪而隐藏自己的情绪 。
Even the best actors have trouble with this.
即便是最好的演员也会有这方面的问题 。
An example of a 'given' sign may be that loud laugh you make at your boss's joke.
‘给予’信号的一个例子可能是你听到老板笑话时的大笑 。
A 'given off' sign would be your eyes unintentionally squinting in annoyance at his bad sense of humor:
"really, he's making jokes about the Jersey Shore in 2019?"
Two: Prototypical Emotional Experiences versus General Emotional Effect.
2. 典型的情绪体验vs普遍的情绪效应 。
Imagine running away from a bear, pretty scary huh?
Now take away the bear, suddenly you're just running a cross-country race.
现在把熊拿走,突然间你就在进行一场越野赛跑 。
Emotion scientists have recently begun to make a distinction between
prototypical emotions that are directed at a definite thing for example fear
and emotions that aren't directly at anything in particular, such as a feeling of general well-being.
以及不指向特定事物的情绪,如一种普遍的幸福感 。
Anxiety is a notorious form of undirected emotional effect.
焦虑症是无目标情绪效应的一种不良形式 。
People who have anxiety, often can't name exactly what they are anxious about
but scientists hope that by distinguishing between these categories of emotion, we can come up with better therapies.
但科学家希望,通过区别情绪类别,我们可以提出更好的治疗方法 。
Three: Feeling Good and Feeling Enthusiastic.
3. 感觉良好和感觉充满热情 。
Benedek kurdi, a Harvard psychologist believes that all images can be related on two levels,
哈佛大学心理学家Benedek kurdi认为所有画面可以在两个层面上联系起来,
how good they make you feel and how enthusiastic they make you feel.
它们给你的感觉有多好以及它们给你的感觉有多热情 。
In technical terms, the good feeling is called 'Valence' and the enthusiastic feeling is called 'Arousal'.
用专业术语来说,良好的感觉被称为‘效价’,热情的感觉被称为‘唤起’ 。
Knowing this helps us figure out whether we're feelings say, pleasantly tired,
which is low arousal but high valence or lazy which is low arousal and low valence.
即低唤起,高效价或是感觉懒惰即低唤起和低效价 。
In one case, you should put your feet up while on the other, you should get back to work.
在第一种情况中,你应该休息,而在另一种情况下,你应该回去工作 。
Some more examples: a picture of two swans makes people feel good but not all that enthusiastic
whereas a picture of fireworks makes people feel about as good but a lot more enthusiastic.
然而,一幅烟花的照片让人感觉良好,但更热情高涨 。
Where do pictures of kittens fall? Both very good and very enthusiastic. Of course, the internet already knew that.
小猫的照片会落在哪里?两种感觉都很好很热情 。当然互联网已经知道这一点 。
Four: The Emotional Life of Punctuation.
4. 标点符号的情绪人生 。
Compare these two text messages: 'I'm done' or 'I'm done!'. They feel different, right?
对比两条短信:‘I'm done’或‘I'm done!’ 它们感觉不一样,对不?
One is the beginning of a breakup text and the other is someone celebrating the end of exams.
第一个像是分手短信,而另一个像是庆祝考试结束 。
Psychologists believe that punctuation and text messages can replace nonverbal cues used in conversations.
心理学家认为标点符号和短信可以替代对话中使用的非语言暗示 。
While texting became popular, some people worried that it would lead to us forgetting how to relate to each other.
虽然发短信很流行,一些人担心这样会让我们忘记如何与他人联系 。
It turns out that text messaging isn't the end of the world.
结果证明短信并不是世界的终结 。
However, while we can communicate some emotions over text,
it may be best to save important conversations for in-person
because in-person conversations have much more nonverbal signs.
因为面谈有更多的非语言迹象 。
Five: Emotional Vocabulary.
5. 情绪词汇 。
Lisa Feldman Barrett is a psychologist on a mission,
Lisa Feldman Barrett是一位心理学家
she wants to help people use less medication, fight less frequently and feel better overall. How?
她想通过少药物、少挣扎帮助大家提高整体感觉 。怎么做呢?
By increasing the size of their emotional vocabulary.
通过增加他们的情感词汇量 。
According to her, someone who can distinguish between feeling righteous indignation
and feeling lousy is better equipped to respond to those feelings in a skillful way.
People who use large vocabularies of words for emotions,
visit the doctor less and are less likely to lash out when they've been offended.
看医生次数少,并且当他们被冒犯时,也不太可能猛烈抨击 。
Who knew that the path to happiness begins in reading the dictionary?