Bipolar disorder, also called manic depressive disorder is a mental illness characterized by extreme mood swings.
双相障碍,也称躁郁症,是一种精神疾病,其特征是极端的情绪波动 。
Other symptoms of BPD include
BP(此处有误,BPD是Borderline Personality Disorder的缩写,Bipolar disorder的缩写是BP)的其他症状包括
shifts in energy as well as activity levels.
能量和活动水平的变化 。
For the most part, BPD can and will interfere with the day-to-day activities of the sufferer.
多数情况下,BP会干扰患者的日常活动 。
With all that we know about BPD, there are still many myths out there,
mainly involving how people act while in a manic or depressive state.
主要涉及患者在躁狂或抑郁状态下的行为 。
Some of these myths are just exaggerations of actual facts while others are downright falsehoods.
其中一些是对真实情况的夸大,而其他的则完全是假的 。
This list from Psych2go offers us facts about BPD and what the disorder actually is.
本期节目为大家提供了一份关于BP事实的清单 。
1. Bipolar disorder is not curable.
1. 双相障碍是不可治愈的 。
The sufferer will have a lifetime of mood stabilizing medications after onset.
一旦患病,患者需要终生服用稳定情绪的药物 。
Without them, the sufferer faces relapses of manic and depressive episodes;
with these episodes the sufferer will have a distinct disruption in their daily activities.
病情发作后,患者的日常活动将明显被扰乱 。
If left untreated, they may even find that people they were once close to have backed away.
如果不进行治疗,他们甚至可能发现,他们曾经亲近的人逐渐退缩了 。
Usually due to the unpredictable nature of their illness,
mood stabilizers give the sufferer a more even keel to their life.
情绪稳定剂能使患者的生活更加稳定 。
2. Bipolar disorder is not the same as depression.
2. 双相障碍与抑郁症不同 。
While bipolar disorder does share some similarities with depression, they are not one in the same.
虽然双相障碍确实和抑郁症有相似之处,但它们并不是一种疾病 。
Those who suffer from BPD have mood swings rather than just episodes of depression.
BP患者不仅仅是抑郁,还会出现情绪波动 。
Manic refers to episodes of high energy, whereas depressive refers to episodes of low energy.
躁郁指的是高精力的发作,而抑郁指的是低情绪的发作 。
Bipolar disorder and depression are both mood disorders but they're vastly and inherently different.
双相障碍和抑郁症都是情绪障碍,但它们有着巨大的内在差异 。
3. Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed.
3. 双相障碍常被误诊 。
This is an important point to remember, in case you think that you might be a sufferer.
这一点很重要,以防万一你觉着自己可能是其患者 。
Bipolar disorder is usually misdiagnosed as depression in woman and schizophrenia in men.
双相障碍常被误诊,女性会被误诊为抑郁症,男性是精神分裂症 。
If you think that you have BPD but feel that you were diagnosed with another illness,
you may want to speak with your doctor,
make sure that all relevant questions are asked and that you feel that you were listened to.
确保所有相关问题都被问到了,并且医生有认真听 。
4. Anyone can develop bipolar disorder.
4. 任何人都可能患双相障碍 。
For the most part, bipolar disorder has an onset in late teens or early 20s
though it can also present children and older adults.
虽然儿童和老年人也有可能 。
Each case is different and has its own physical, mental and emotional demands.
每个病例都不一样,都有其身体、心理和情感的需求 。
Again BPD is a lifetime illness but it is manageable with the right medications in care.
重申一次,BP是终生疾病,但正确的药物治疗是可以控制的 。
5. There are no blood tests or scans for bipolar disorder.
5. 目前还没有双相障碍的血液检测或扫描 。
The only way to obtain a proper bipolar diagnosis is to see a psychiatrist that specializes in mood disorders.
获取正确诊断的唯一方式是看情绪障碍的专业心理医生 。
Depending upon your health insurance, you may need a referral first.
由于医疗保险不同,你可能需要先转诊 。
That being said there are no MRI scans or x-rays that will give any indication that bipolar disorder is present.
目前还没有MRI扫描或x光可以显示双相障碍的存在 。
There have been scans done to see how the brain reacts during manic and depressive episodes,
however if those were done post diagnosis.
但这些是在确诊后做的扫描 。
6. Mood swings are normal.
6. 情绪波动很正常 。
The difference between everyday mood swings and bipolar related mood swings is the severity level.
日常情绪波动和双相障碍相关的情绪波动之间的差别在于严重性级别 。
Though there are some instances where severe mood swings
aren't a cause to believe someone is suffering from bipolar disorder,
both ADHD and pregnancy have large or severe mood swings as symptoms.
注意力不集中症(ADHD)和怀孕都有很大或严重的情绪波动作为症状 。
If ADHD is being treated but the severe swings are still present,
it may be prudent to seek out a possible secondary diagnosis.
谨慎的做法是寻求可能的二次诊断 。
With pregnancy, the swings should subside after the balance of hormones is back to normal.
对于孕妇,荷尔蒙平衡恢复正常后,这种波动应该会消退 。
7. There are three types of bipolar disorder.
7. 双相障碍有三种类型 。
Bipolar type 1 is characterized as having at least one manic and one depressive episode.
双相障碍1型的特征是至少出现一次躁狂和一次抑郁发作 。
This type can also involve bipolar psychosis. This is very serious and needs immediate psychiatric treatment.
这种类型也可能涉及双极性躁郁病 。这一型非常严重且需要立即进行精神治疗 。
Bipolar type 2 is characterized by at least one episode of hypomania and one major depressive episode.
双相障碍2型的特征是至少出现一次轻度躁狂发作和一次重性抑郁发作 。
Cyclothymia is the third BPD type. This one is characterized by the cycles of hypomania
躁狂抑郁精神病是双相障碍3型 。这种类型的特征是轻度躁狂的循环
and dysthymic or persistent depressive episodes.
以及慢性或持续性抑郁发作 。
8. Familial history does not guarantee a diagnosis for you.
8. 家族病史不能保证你的诊断 。
Genetics do play a big role in presence of bipolar disorder but they are not a guarantee.
基因确实在双相障碍的存在中扮演着重要的角色,但它们并不是一种保证 。
Studies have shown that environmental factors and stressful situations have also impacted a bipolar diagnosis.
研究表明环境因素和压力也会影响双相障碍的诊断 。
In some studies, it was found that one sibling had bipolar symptoms whereas the other one had none at all.
在一些研究中,一个兄弟姐妹有躁郁症的症状,而另一个根本没有 。
9. Mania isn't always fun and games.
9. 躁狂并不总是有趣的游戏 。
Sometimes mania can seem like it is one big party, where the sufferer is just in a heightened state of happy.
有时躁狂看上去像一个大型聚会,患者只是处于一种高度的快乐状态 。
While this may be the case for some, it is not a universal truth for all.
虽然有些人会有这种情况,但不是所有患者都这样 。
In fact, many cases of mania within bipolar disorder have manifested in extreme irritability and even psychotic episodes.
事实上,双相障碍中的很多躁狂病例的表现是极度易怒,甚至出现精神病发作 。
In a mania-induced psychotic episode, the sufferer may think that they are rich and famous.
在躁狂引起的精神病发作中,患者可能以为自己是有钱的名人 。
This may lead them to partake in risky or dangerous behaviors.
这可能导致他们做出危险的行为 。
10. People with bipolar disorder are not inherently dangerous to themselves or others.
10. 双相障碍患者对自己或他人并没有内在的危险 。
This fact comes with a kavita sorts.
很多病例证实了这一点 。
Those in treatment for bipolar disorder are rarely a danger to themselves or others.
那些接受双相障碍治疗的人很少对自己或他人构成危险 。
Studies have shown that those with BPD and other mental illnesses
are more likely to become targets of violence or other crimes.
更有可能成为暴力或其它犯罪的目标 。
Those that are not being treated can be a little more unpredictable though,
for the most part millions of BPD sufferers are leading full and productive lives.
但在大部分情况下,百万BP患者过着充实而富有成效的生活 。
If you think you may be suffering from bipolar disorder, please speak with your physician or mental health professional.
如果你认为你可能患有双相障碍,请和你的医生或心理健康专家谈谈 。
There are treatments out there that can help you lead a full and happy life.
有很多治疗方法可以帮助你过上充实快乐的生活 。
If you found this video helpful, please let us know in the comments.
如果你觉得本期视频有帮助,请在下方评论告知 。
Also feel free to share your own experiences with bipolar disorder and as always thanks for watching.
你还可以在下方分享双相障碍的经历,感谢收看 。