Voice 2: Sander explains how his system works:
Voice 3: "We knew that people become confused if you feed their speech back with a delay. So we wanted to try and make it work in a group situation... People chanting get information from several different places, but at the same time. They use these pieces of information to be able to chant in time with other people... This can be very complex because there are large numbers of people involved."
声音3:“我们知道,在发现自己的言论出现延迟时,人们会感到困惑 。因此,我们希望试图将其置于团体情况中 。人们呐喊时是同时从不同地方获取信息 。他们用这些信息片段来即时加入其他人的呐喊中 。这可能非常复杂,因为会有大量人员参与其中 。”
Voice 1: Sander and other researchers developed an early form of their system. A group of men volunteered to help them test it.
声音1:桑德和其他研究人员开发了这一系统的早期版本 。一群男性自愿帮助他们进行测试 。
Researchers surrounded the men with loudspeakers. The loudspeakers played a recording of a crowd chanting at a sports game. Researchers told the men to join the chanting crowd. But one loudspeaker was different than all the others. The loudspeaker was also playing the recording of the chanting crowd. But, the recording was delayed by a short amount of time.
研究人员在这些男性周围设置了扩音器 。这些扩音器会播放一群人在体育比赛现场呐喊的录音 。研究人员让志愿者同录音一起呐喊 。但其中一个扩音器与其他扩音器不一样 。这个扩音器也会播放人群呐喊的录音 。但是录音会稍有延迟 。