In Gornergrat we can see almost everything, galaxies, nebulas; the best thing you can see here is the Milky Way.
在戈内加特,我们基本什么都能看见,星系,星云;在这里,能看到的最棒的东西就是银河了 。
It's very bright, and you can see a lot of shooting stars and stuff.
在这儿看到的银河非常亮,还能看到很多流星之类的东西 。
Some nights are so good that it's one of the best places to observe in the world.
有时,夜晚的天气非常理想,放眼全世界也没有几个能和这儿的观测条件相比的 。
And the best part? This view comes with a room.
最赞的是,这样的景观还带房间 。
Up here they take reservations.
他们这边按预订接待 。
Gornergrat is a special place that opens up the universe to everyone.
戈内加特和别的地方不一样,戈内加特为所有人打开了一扇观测宇宙的大门 。
Perched on top of the Swiss Alps at over 10,000 feet, it's a hotel, restaurant and an observatory.
坐落在阿尔卑斯山脉瑞士段最高峰上的戈内加特海拔一万多英尺,它是一家酒店、也是一家餐馆,还是一座天文台 。
What might seem like an unlikely mix has turned into one of Switzerland's most precious places.
这一看似不太可能的组合已经变成了瑞士最为宝贵的地方之一 。
The Kulmhotel Gornergrat was built in 1907.
戈内加特库尔酒店建于1907年 。
Some parts of the building are still the same as in the beginning.
酒店的部分结构还保留着最初的样子 。
We have 22 rooms.
我们有22个房间 。
There are four or five days a year where there are 5,000 people.
一年之中有四五天的时间入住的人数会达到5000人 。
It's the highest hotel in Switzerland and the second highest in Europe.
我们酒店的海拔位居瑞士第一,全欧洲第二 。
Special thing up here is the mountain you can see around.
酒店的特别之处在于酒店周围的山 。
There is Monte Rosa and then the Breithorn, and everybody in the world knows the Matterhorn.
周围有蒙特罗莎山,布莱特峰,还有无人不知无人不晓的马特洪峰 。
We serve mostly traditional Swiss food, cheese fondue, rosti with sausage on it and onion sauce, and also the Alpine macaroni.
我们供应的大多是瑞士的传统美食,芝士火锅啦,配香肠和洋葱酱的吕斯蒂(奶酪烤土豆饼)啦,还有阿尔卑斯通心粉 。
It's really special for me because I love the mountains and up here in the night it's very calm and the sky is really amazing.
这儿对我来说很特别,我喜欢这上面的山,晚上这上面也很宁静,夜空简直美到不可方物 。
These domes are here from the '60s until now but astronomy here in the mountains go back to beginning of 1900.
这些圆顶(的观测台)60年代就在这儿了,但是这里的天文观测传统可以一直追溯到1900年初 。
Scientists from all over the world have been here.
来这里的科学家来自世界各地的都有 。
If you want to do astronomy, you have to have really good conditions,
and it's a fact that the best conditions you have up here in the mountains.
这上面就有最好的观测条件,这是事实 。
Lack of light pollution and dry air have meant that people like Jesse can really observe space from here.
这里没有光污染,加上空气干燥,杰西这样的天文工作者能够在这上面开展有效的观测工作 。
But even with the naked eye anyone can observe the night beauty at Gornergrat.
然而,在戈内加特,就算是用肉眼,就算是普通人,也能领略到夜空之美 。
It's one of the best places I've been for sure.
这里绝对算得上是我到过的最棒的地方之一 。
You go out on the terrace and you see this huge band of the sky, and it's just so bright; it's amazing.
在阳台上能够看到的天空的范围超级大,而且超级明亮,特别棒 。
And like the stars above, Gornergrat shines bright in the middle of the Swiss Alps,
keeping the gateway to space open for many years to come.
在今后漫长的时间里,它也会继续为人们开放窥探宇宙的大门 。