Remember, attack together.
记住,动作要整齐划一 。
Every time I give you a three-four, breathe on four, and attack on one.
每次我给3-4号令的时候,在4的时候吸气,在1的时候出手 。
I put so much love and effort, sweat and blood, and tears into this band program.
我往乐队表演节目里投入了太多太多的爱,努力,汗水,鲜血和眼泪了 。
We are the best marching band in the country.
我们是国内最好的行进管乐乐队 。
My name is Abraham Duffie Jr. And I am the head drum major for the Sonic Boom of the South.
我是亚伯拉罕·杜菲,是来自南方的春雷乐队的首席乐队指挥 。
We bring something that no other band brings: excitement, jaw-dropping, in-your-face entertainment.
我们乐队能够给观众带来任何其他乐队都做不到的东西,那就是激动人心、令人瞠目结舌的现场表演 。
The Jackson State Drum Majors are the heart of the band.
杰克逊州立乐队指挥团是这个乐队的核心 。
We are known for our showmanship,
but what a lot of people don't know is we teach music to the band.
但很多人不知道的是我们还负责教乐队音乐 。
We lead the band, we help with formations, and we also help guide the band.
我们不仅要给乐队带头,还要帮助编队,帮助指导乐队 。
And the beginning of August we practice for about 20 hours a day, from 5 a.m. to 12 a.m. in the morning.
八月初,我们每天要排练20个小时,早上从5点一直练到12点 。
You really just have to find time to sleep.
睡觉的时间都要靠挤 。
Not only is it physical training, it's also mental and emotional training as well that's needed in order to be a part of a program of our caliber.
这些不仅是在训练体能,也是在训练心理素质和情感,这些都是我们指挥能力养成所必需的 。
What goes on is lot of playing, a lot of playing, and a lot of playing.
接下来就是反复反复再反复的排练 。
And also marching. Marching, marching, marching, marching.
以及行进,行进,行进,行进再行进 。
Being in physical shape gives you endurance.
保持良好的体型能够增强我们的耐力 。
It helps you play better and perform better and also gives you muscle memory.
帮助我们排练地更好,表现得更好,也能唤起我们肌肉的记忆 。
This is my fourth and final year as Drum Major.
今年是我当乐队领队的第四年,也是最后一年了 。
My hope for the future of the band is to just excel, be better than the bands before them, be better musicians.
我对乐队未来的期许就是不断超越,超越之前的乐队,成为更好的音乐家 。
Just to finally be at the end is bittersweet, but I am going to leave and never look back, because I know I made my mark.
能够坚持到最后可以说是苦乐参半吧,但我还是要离开,不回头地离开,因为我知道我在乐队已经留下了我的印记 。