Colombia, land of flavor and color.
哥伦比亚,味道之乡,色彩之乡 。
But, few know about the incredibly rich and unusual fruits this country has to offer.
然而,知道这个国家有着品种丰富又不同寻常的水果的人并不多 。
Thanks to its biodiversity, the land produces delicacies, like the prehistoric looking guanabana and the mysterious mangostino.
由于物种丰富,这片土地盛产各种各样的美味,如长相颇有些远古味道的刺果番荔枝以及长相神秘的山竹 。
And that brings us here.
这也正是节目组这次来到了这里的原因 。
This is not your typical grocery store produce section.
这里可不是你平时逛的超市的农产品区 。
This is Paloquemao.
这里是帕罗加玛奥市场 。
Welcome to Bogota's quintessential market.
欢迎来到波哥大的代表市场 。
This is the place to find the most mysterious-looking, strange-flavored fruits across the palette.
想找五颜六色又最神秘、味道最奇怪的水果,来这里就对了 。
Paloquemao is a special place, bursting with color and flavor, offering the world an irreplaceable array of nectarous gifts.
帕罗加玛奥市场是一个十分特别的地方,这里溢满了各种色彩,各种味道,为世人提供了各种各样不可替代的甘美的馈赠 。
Of course, as long as they're in season.
当然了,只要它们正当季 。