This is BBC news, the headlines.
Britain MPs have again rejected government efforts to call a snap general election.
It's the sixth defeat for the Prime Minister Boris Johnson in little over a week.
这是一周多以来 首相鲍里斯·约翰逊遭遇的第六次挫败
Parliament has now been suspended until mid-October.
现在 议会已被暂停至10月中旬
Authorities in the Bahamas have defended their response to Hurricane Dorian.
Aid still hasn't reached tens of thousands in the worst-hit area.
People who have remained in Marsh Harbor in the Abaco Islands say there hasn't even been a concerted attempt to recover bodies.
仍在阿巴科群岛马什港的人们表示 目前甚至都没有协调一致的努力来搜寻尸体
President Trump says the US talks with the Afghan Taliban are dead.
特朗普总统表示 美国与阿富汗塔利班的谈判已经失败
The decision to scrap negotiations came in response to last week's militant attack that killed 12 people including an American soldier.
终止协商的决定是对上周武装分子发动袭击的回应 该次袭击导致12人死亡 其中包括一名美国士兵
Those are the headlines.