This is BBC well news the headlines.
In Hong Kong, a clear up is underway after the tenth weekend of pro-democracy marches.
香港的抗议游行进入了第十个周末 清理工作正在进行
Activists have accused the police of using undercover officers disguised as protesters to make arrests.
活动人士指责警方让便衣警察伪装成抗议者 进行逮捕
There were violent scenes in several places.
Floods and landslides caused by torrential rains in southern India have killed almost a hundred and fifty people.
Nearly half the deaths occurred in Kerala where more than a hundred thousand people have taken shelter in relief camps.
近半数的死亡发生在喀拉拉邦 那里有10多万人在救援营地避难
Stringent security measures are in place in Indian-administered Kashmir as the mainly Muslim population prepares to celebrate the festival of Eid al-Adha.
印控克什米尔地区采取了严格的安全措施 多数穆斯林人口正准备庆祝宰牲节
The security clampdown follows protests over Delhi's decision to revoke the region's special status.
此前 德里决定取消该地区的特殊地位 引发了抗议活动
Conservative candidate in Guatemala's presidential election Alejandro Giammattei has claimed victory over his center-left rival.
Early results showed that he'd taken nearly 60% of the vote.
Turnout has been low.