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Boris Johnson takes over as British Prime Minister today as the country faces its biggest political crisis for decades over Brexit.
今天 鲍里斯·约翰逊接任英国首相 英国正因脱欧面临几十年来最大的政治危机
He's pledged to take the UK out of the EU by the end of October even if it means a No Deal Brexit.
他承诺将在10月底之前让英国脱离欧盟 即便是“无协议”脱欧
Former FBI director Robert Miller faces questions on Wednesday from Congress about his report into the Donald Trump election campaign and Russia.
周三 美国联邦调查局(FBI)前局长罗伯特·米勒面临国会的质询 内容涉及他对唐纳德·特朗普竞选活动与俄罗斯之间的关系的调查报告
His investigation found no evidence of collusion between them but didn't clear the president of obstruction of justice.
该调查没有发现他们之间互相勾结的证据 但并没有洗脱总统妨碍司法的嫌疑
Parts of Europe are in the grip of the summer second heat wave.
Southwest France is worst-affected reaching 42 Celsius.
法国西南部受影响最严重 气温已达42摄氏度
The World Meteorological Organization says the rising temperatures bear the hallmark of climate change.
世界气象组织表示 气温上升是气候变化的标志
And the US Justice Department has announced an investigation into leading online platforms to examine whether they are unfairly restricting competition.
美国司法部宣布对主要的线上平台展开调查 核实它们是否存在不公平限制竞争
Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple are likely to come under scrutiny.