There are so many people in life, they forget to dream, because they're afraid of going out of their comfort zone.
有太多太多人忘了人要有梦想,因为他们害怕走出自己的舒适区 。
13 years ago, two enterprising pilots shared a dream to achieve the impossible.
13年前,两名同样胆量过人的飞行员还心怀着同一个梦想,那就是变不可能为可能 。
Their goal?
To build the first solar-powered plane to fly around the world, ushering in an aviation future free of fossil fuels and pollution.
造出世界首架太阳能飞机并环游世界,开创一个没有化石燃料和污染的航空未来 。
Our goal is to simply demonstrate that it's feasible.
我们只是想证明这样其实是行得通的 。
Tango, x-ray.
T, X射线 。
Their plan was ambitious, to cross the globe in 17 legs over the course of a year, logging 25,000 miles.
他们的计划十分宏伟——用一年的时间分17段遍游全球,总里程2.5万英里 。
Taking turns in the cockpit, co-pilots Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg knew that they would face technical and operational challenges,
(We have to go back.)
(我们必须返航 。)
while battling weather and the elements
(It has been really a difficult moment.)
(真的是非常艰难的一刻 。)
in an unprecedented bid for adventure and glory.
为了这次史无前例的冒险和荣耀之旅 。
When I was a child, all the people I knew were explorers, adventurers, and astronauts.
小时候,我身边都是些探险家、冒险家和宇航员 。
You know, when I was a boy, I read a lot of books about the pilots who opened the lines, basically discovered the world through airplanes.
我小时候看了很多飞行员开辟新航道,通过飞行探索世界的故事 。
He is determined to succeed this time.
他下定决心,这次一定要成功 。
He's has spent--My grandfather was the first man in the stratosphere, inventing the pressurized capsule.
他耗费了——我祖父发明了加压太空舱,成为了在平流层飞行的第一人 。
Then my father made the deepest dive ever, touching the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest spot on Earth,
and showing that the deepest trenches in the oceans had to be protected.
是他向世人展示了我们必须将海洋里最深的海沟保护起来 。
And I was fascinating by the people who tried something new, something different.
那些尝试过新鲜事物,尝试过与众不同的事物的人深深地吸引着我 。
I thought exploration was the only way to live!
I flew nonstop around the world in a balloon.
我曾经坐热气球进行过一站式环球旅行 。
We burned almost four tons of propane gas.
用了近4吨丙烷 。
It was pollution.
也污染了环境 。
I was thinking, how can I do it with no fuel, and this is how the dream of Solar Impulse started.
我就想,能不能不用燃料,我们的“阳光动力号”之梦就是这么开启的 。
Flying a solar-powered airplane that produces its own electricity with the sun, store the electricity in batteries, so you can fly through the night, fly to the next sunrise forever.
驾驶太阳能飞机,用太阳能发电,然后把电力储蓄在电池里,这样夜间也能飞行,完全能保证飞行到下个日出 。
When I met Bertrand 13 years ago, I immediately had the impression that my life was crossing something extremely important.
13年前遇到伯特兰的那一刻,我就感觉到,我的人生进入了一个极为重要的转折点 。
I found that Andre was the missing part of me, and I was the missing part of him.
我就感觉,安德烈和我,我们都是彼此的另一半 。
He's the engineer, entrepreneur, jet fighter pilot.
他是工程师,企业家兼喷气式战斗机飞行员 。
I'm a medical doctor, I'm an explorer, so I asked him if he would agree to partner with me to do it, and he accepted immediately.
我自己则是医生,探险爱好者,我问他是否愿意和我合作,他马上就答应了 。
Together, we could be the complete human being.
有了彼此,我们才得以成为完整的一个人 。
It's a very difficult airplane to fly, maybe the most difficult airplane in the world to fly,
because of its huge wingspan, very lightweight, and sensitivity to turbulence.
因为它的翼展非常大,又很轻,对气流非常敏感 。
This you have to master completely.
这一点你必须完全掌握 。
So at the beginning, you would just overcontrol it, it's a disaster.
一开始会出现操作幅度太大的问题,那简直就是灾难 。
Using the simulator, it allowed us really to get the feeling about the personality of this airplane, to know how to handle it.
有了模拟器我们才终于有机会真正了解这架飞机的个性,了解该如何操纵它 。
And I had the clearance from the tower, and I could put full throttle.
信号塔已经给了许可,可以全速前进了 。
No noise from the engines, and the plane taking off,
and I'm just looking to stay in the air for as long as I can, no limits.
我只希望在空中能待多久就待多久,不受任何限制 。
When we travel, it takes three days to fly where other people would fly with a jet plane in eight hours.
真正飞的时候,别人坐喷气式飞机八个小时就能到的地方我们得飞三天 。