There's not a face for every culture, every ethnicity, every race.
不是每个文化、每个种族,每个人种都有一张标准脸 。
So when you're telling me that I'm too dark to be Dominican, show me what a Dominican looks like.
如果你对我说,我太黑,不像多米尼加人时,那你告诉我多米尼加人应该是什么样 。
And then try to tell me that I'm not Dominican enough, because you're wrong.
然后在跟我说我哪里不像多米尼加人,因为你错了 。
I'm Dominican; I'm Black; I'm an Afro-Latina; and you can't tell me any different.
我是多米尼加人;我是黑人;我是非裔拉丁人;不能说我跟别人有何不同 。
An Afro-Latina is simply a person who just identifies with their Blackness, that's it.
非裔拉丁人就只会认同他们的肤色的人,仅此而已 。
I'm a Black girl, and my family is from Dominican Republic.
我是一个黑人女孩,我的家人来自多米尼加共和国 。
But people say I'm too dark to be Dominican. People say I can't be Latina.
但有人说我太黑了,不像多米尼加人,说我不可能是拉丁人 。
Growing up there was no one who looked like me.
成长过程中,我身边没有一个人跟我一样 。
I remember just being called charcoal. I remember being called too dirty. At one point, I stopped saying I was Dominican.
我记得大家会叫我“黑炭”,说我太脏,我也曾一度不再辩解自己是多米尼加人 。
My goal is simply to be able to help the youth feel comfortable in their skin and own it. Hello.
我不过是想帮助青少年认可他们自己的肤色,帮助他们掌控自己的肤色 。你好 。
Most people know me as Monica Style Muse over on YouTube, Instagram, you name it.
在YouTube,Instagram等很多社交平台上,大多数人都知道我叫“造型缪斯莫妮卡” 。
I've been able to be extremely successful as an Afro-Latina in the beauty space.
在美容界,作为一个非裔拉丁人,我可以说是已经无比成功了 。
This is one of my favorite eyebrow pencils because the precision just makes your brows, you know I live for a brow lift.
这是我最喜欢的眉笔,画出来的眉形非常准确,眉毛就是我的命根子 。
I'm not the best makeup artist, and never did I ever say I was,
but, I feel like if I can at least just inspire other people to just live in their own truth regardless of what other people think.
但我觉得我能够至少鼓励其他人活在自己的真相中,不管别人怎么想 。
I know her cause I follow her on Instagram.
我知道她,因为我关注了她的Instagram 。
Oh, she likes me. I like her. I'm cool!
啊,她喜欢我 。我喜欢她 。感觉自己好酷啊!
It took me maybe three years to really find myself and to be my own muse on my channel.
我花了三年的时间才找回自己,在我的频道上成为自己的缪斯 。
You can put this all over your face to really bring the moisture back into your face, so you look refreshed.
大家可以往脸上喷一喷,给脸补补水,会给大家带来焕然一新的感觉 。
One day I just decided, you know what, I'm gonna be myself.
有一天,我突然决定,你知道吗,我要做我自己 。
At first when I started speaking Spanish on my channel, they were like, can you stop this?
Can you just make a separate channel?
And I said you know what, no. This is who I am, and it was the best decision I've ever made for myself.
我说,你知道吗,我就不 。这就是我,这是我为自己做出的最好的决定 。
Being a Latina means knowing that you have a culture and a background and a story that can't also be taken from you.
作为一个拉丁人意味着你有一种文化,一种背景,一个故事,这些别人是无法从你身上带走的 。
My audience is this sassy person who is just so ready to take on whatever the world throws at them.
我的观众是已经准备好接受世界抛给他们的任何东西的一群漂亮的人物 。
They're gonna figure it out one way or another, and that's what I've done.
他们会想出这样或那样的办法,这也正是我所做的 。
Even like thinking back to little Monica, baby Monica was so timid.
回想起小莫妮卡,小莫妮卡也很胆小 。
She was so scared of the world.
她太害怕这个世界了 。
I'm an adult now; you can't really faze me.
但我现在已经长大成人了;你已经吓不到我了 。
Which means, if my shine bothers you, that's not my problem.
这句话的意思是,如果我的光芒困扰了你,那不是我的问题 。