Wake up.
起床啦 。
Before this, and this, and this, and this. Ahhh, that sound. People in Britain and Ireland woke up like this.
在这个,这个,这个还有这个出现之前,啊,那个声音!英国和爱尔兰人都是这么起床的 。
That's right, being an alarm clock used to be a job and they were called Knocker Uppers.
没错 。当闹钟曾经是种职业,人称“叫醒工” 。
We're traveling back in time for this one, so let's get a historian in here.
为此我们还得从从前说起,所以我们特地请来了一位历史专家 。
Do I sit here, or...? Yup Yeah, fantastic.
我坐这儿吗?是的 。好的,太好了 。
Oh, sorry I'm late the Knocker Upper didn't call.
啊 。抱歉 。我来晚了,我的叫醒工没叫我 。
Good one, Richard.
梗不错噢,理查德 。
My name is Richard Jones, and I'm an author on the history of London.
我是理查德·琼斯,研究伦敦历史的一名作家 。
OK, let's see if we got this right.
那我们来看看这些东西我们是不是都弄对了 。
From the early 1800s to the 1960s, waking people up was a paid job? Yes.
从十九世纪早期到上世纪六十年代,真的有叫大家起床这种职业吗?没错 。
And this was done with a bamboo pole? Oh yes, most certainly.
用竹竿?对呀,基本上都是用竹竿 。
This is the age where people started to work in factories.
就是从那个时代起,人们开始去工厂上班 。
They’ve got to be up early for their shift.
为了倒班他们必须早早起床 。
And, of course, most people are on minimal wages. They haven't got alarm clocks in their house, consequently, there's no one to wake them up.
当然了,大部分人的薪水都非常少,家里买不起闹钟,那就没人叫他们起床啦 。
So that's where the knocker up, or the Knocker Upper came in.
叫醒工就是这么来的 。
See, in big industrial cities like London, Birmingham and Manchester, Knocker Uppers used poles to reach the windows.
话说,在伦敦、伯明翰和曼彻斯特这种大城市里,叫醒工就用长杆敲大家的窗户 。
And these poles had a hook or knob at the end, which made them pretty effective.
这些杆子顶端都带有钩子或者手柄,敲窗的时候就非常管用 。
You could scratch that handle, a bit like nails going down a blackboard. Wakey-wakey.
用那个刮玻璃就像指甲划过黑板的声音 。起床啦起床啦 。
Other Knocker Uppers, mostly women, used peashooters to aim at the windows. Oigh! Or not.
其他叫醒工,大部分都是女性,则用用豆枪往窗户上吹豆子 。啊,还是别了 。
But why not just shout? Wake up! Wake up! Shhh. Uggh. Well, you do have to keep the neighbors in mind.
但大家为什么不直接用喊的呢?起床啦!起床啦!嘘!啊 。好吧,是得考虑一下邻居们的感受 。
So the big question is who knocks up the Knocker Upper?
The evidence suggests that the Knocker Upper just didn't go to bed.
有证据显示这些叫醒工为了叫醒干脆不睡觉 。
Sometimes the Knocker Upper might attune himself to be able to wake up a three a.m.
有时,他们可能也会调节自己的生物钟让自己在凌晨三点的时候醒来 。
Aggh, mystery solved. Yay!
哈,谜团解开了 。耶!
Play us out, Richard.
理查德,来段儿绕口令呗 。
We had a knocker up and our knocker up had a knocker up.
我们有个叫醒工,他也有个叫醒工 。
And our knocker up's knocker up didn't knock our knocker up.
叫醒工的叫醒工没有叫醒我们的叫醒工 。
So our knocker up didn't knock us up 'Cause he's not up.
所以我们的叫醒工没有叫醒我们,因为他自己都没醒 。