The White House has decided not to comment on U.S. media reports that President Trump approved airstrikes against Iran on Thursday but later decided not to launch them.
美国媒体报道称 特朗普总统周四批准对伊朗发动空袭 但随后又决定取消 白宫决定对此不予置评
The New York Times quoted unnamed sources are saying that radar and missile systems were among the possible targets.
《纽约时报》援引未具名消息来源 称雷达和导弹系统是可能的目标之一
The first day of a summit of 28 European Union leaders has come to an end with no agreement on who should take on the block's top jobs.
欧盟28国领导人峰会的第一天已经结束 未能就其最高职位的担任人选达成协议
Later today they will discuss the EU's preparations for a possible no deal Brexit.
今天晚些时候 他们将讨论欧盟为可能的“无协议”脱欧所做的准备
And there've been violent clashes between riot police and protesters in the Georgian capital Tbilisi.
在格鲁吉亚的首都第比利斯 防暴警察和抗议者发生了暴力冲突
It's after a controversial visit by Russian MPs.
此前 俄罗斯议员曾来此进行了有争议的访问