The official said the Mexicans appeared sincere,
but Mr. Pence concluded that the efforts were insufficient
because they would most likely reduce migration only at the margins,
instead of the wholesale changes that Mr. Trump was looking for.
并不能达到特朗普一直想要的大规模变革的效果 。
Mr. Pence and Mr. Pompeo countered by urging the Mexicans to enter into a “third safe country” treaty
in which Mexico would assume responsibility for granting asylum to the migrants, something the Mexicans have steadfastly opposed.
但该条约规定,墨西哥要承担向移民提供庇护的责任,而这一点墨方一直坚决反对 。
Top legal officials from Mexico are scheduled to meet on Thursday with Pat Cipollone,
the White House counsel, to discuss the treaty and other issues, the official said.
讨论条约及其他问题 。
Diplomats for both countries will meet at the State Department to continue the talks.
两国的外交官也将在国务院会晤,继续会谈 。
Wednesday’s announcement by Customs and Border Protection of a significant surge in border crossings
was meant to put pressure on the Mexican government to meet Mr. Trump’s demands.
此举意在向墨方政府施压,迫使其满足特朗普的要求 。
More than 144,200 migrants were arrested and taken into custody along the southwestern border in May,
a 32 percent increase from April and the highest monthly total in 13 years.
较4月增长了32%,创下了13年来最高月度增幅记录 。
Most crossed the border illegally, while about 10 percent arrived without the proper documentation at ports of entry along the border.
其中,大多数人都是非法越境的,还有10%左右的人在没有携带适当证件的情况下就抵达了边境沿线的入境口岸 。
“Look, the drugs that are coming in, the people that are coming in unchecked, they’re swamping our border,”
Mr. Trump said during a meeting with the Irish prime minister in Shannon, Ireland.
特朗普在爱尔兰香农会见爱尔兰总理时说到 。
“Mexico can stop it. They have to stop it.
Otherwise, we just won’t be able to do business. It’s a very simple thing.”
否则今后两个国家就没法做生意了 。就是这么简单 。”
In his tweet, the president added that border arrests were so high
“because of Mexico & the Democrats in Congress refusing to budge on immigration reform.”
“都是因为墨西哥,因为国会中拒绝在移民改革问题上做出让步的那群民主党人 。”
In a news conference on Wednesday at the Mexican Embassy,
Mr. Ebrard said he was optimistic about reaching a resolution before the tariffs go into effect on Monday.
埃伯拉德说,他对在关税生效前,也就是周一之前达成解决方案有信心 。
“We have the opportunity to share our point of view,
explain why the Mexican position that we are following regarding this issue,
and tomorrow we are going to follow the talks,” he said.
明天我们将继续会谈,”他说 。
He added that the dialogue focused on Mexico’s proposals on migration, rather than the tariffs.
他还补充说,对话的重点并不是关税,而是墨方关于移民问题的提议 。
While Mr. Trump insists he is committed to imposing tariffs,
the president faces intense opposition not only from Democrats,
but also from business executives, economists and members of his own party, who say tariffs are the wrong approach to dealing with immigration issues.
还来自企业高管、经济学家和他所在政党的成员的强烈反对,因为他们都表示,关税并不是解决移民问题的正确方法 。
译文由可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载 。
1. at the margins 轻微地
Four out of five households have been affected only at the margins.
五分之四的家庭只受到了轻微影响 。
2. assume responsibility for 为……承担责任
A wise leader is willing to assume responsibility for the mistakes and the shortcomings of his followers.
好领导愿为下属的错误和缺点承担责任 。
3. taken into custody 被拘留;
He was taken into custody the moment he stepped off the plane.
他一下飞机就被拘捕了 。
4. budge on sth. 让步;妥协
Over the years, the four islands between Japan and Russia refused to budge on the question of attribution.
长期以来,日俄两国在四岛归属问题上互不让步 。