This is BBC World News, the headlines.
President Trump capped the first day of his UK state visit with a banquet at Buckingham Palace hosted by Queen Elizabeth.
伊丽莎白女王在白金汉宫主持盛宴招待特朗普总统 他结束了在英国第一天的国事访问
But a number of politicians boycotted the event and will attend an anti-Trump rally in central London later, which is expected to draw thousands of protesters.
但有几名政治家联合抵制了此次活动 并且打算在晚些时候参加于伦敦中部举行的反特朗普集会 此次集会可能吸引数千名抗议者
The president will also meet Prime Minister Theresa May and senior members of the British government on day two of his visit
as well as holding talks with British and American business leaders in a bid to boost trade links between the two countries.
并与英美两国的商界领袖进行会谈 试图促进两国之间的贸易联系
In other news. Sudan's military leaders have cancelled all existing agreements with the main opposition coalition and announced they will hold elections within nine months.
其他新闻 苏丹的军事领导人取消了与主要反对派联盟的所有现存协议 并宣布将在九个月内举行选举
It comes after security forces fired on unarmed protanopia protesters killing at least 30 people.
此前 安保部队向手无寸铁的红色盲抗议者开枪 至少有30人死亡
The tech giant Apple has announced that its music download service iTunes is to be shut down.
The firm announced the launch of a range of replacement music podcast and television apps at its annual developer conference in San Jose.
在圣何塞的年度开发者大会上 苹果公司宣布发行一系列音乐播客和电视软件的替代产品