Voice 1: And in 1990, the people decided to build the beautiful Church of Our Lady as it had been before the bombing. It would take a long time. They moved the stones of the old building from the ruins and kept them safe. They would use the stones again in the new building. Spotlight's Shelagh Godwin is from England. She remembers visiting the city during that time. She said:
声音1:1990年,人们决定恢复圣母教堂遭轰炸前的原貌 。这项工程需要花费很长时间 。他们从废墟里搬走旧教堂的石材,然后保存起来 。他们会用这些石材建造新楼 。重点报道节目的希拉·戈德温来自英国 。她还记得当时在德勒斯登见到的情景 。她说:
Voice 1: 'I saw the stones from the old church. I felt very emotional. The stones were ready to be used again. It was very moving'.
声音1:“我看到了旧教堂的石材 。我当时非常激动 。这些石材会被再次使用 。这太令人感动了 。”
Voice 2: But a church is more than just stones. It is people. The church leaders from Coventry and Dresden decided to work together. One of them wrote: 'I have been happy to use our experience of peace work in Coventry to help people working to breathe life into the new Church in Dresden. This church will become an international centre in its own right, worthy of its great past'.
声音2:但是建造教堂需要的不仅仅是石材 。还需要人力 。考文垂和德勒斯登的教会领袖决定进行合作 。其中一名领袖写道:“我很高兴能利用我们在考文垂进行和平工作的经历,帮助为德勒斯登的新教堂注入活力的人们 。这座教堂将成为独立的国际中心,无愧于其伟大的历史 。”
Voice 1: Many people supported the re-building project by giving money — people from many countries, including Germany, Britain, and the United States. As the war separated people, this project has helped to bring people together.
声音1:许多人通过捐款的方式支持这项重建工程,捐款人来自德国、英国和美国等国 。战争令人们产生隔阂,而这项工程把人们团结在了一起 。