Hello, I'm Karen Giannone, this is BBC World News, the headlines.
大家好 我是凯伦·吉奥妮 这里是BBC世界新闻头条
Relations between the White House and Congress have further deteriorated after a day of drama.
经过一天的闹剧之后 白宫与国会之间的关系进一步恶化
In Washington, Democrats have voted to hold president Trump's Attorney General in contempt for failing to release an unredacted copy of the Muller report.
在华盛顿 民主党人投票认定特朗普总统的司法部长藐视国会 因其拒绝公开未经编辑的穆勒报告副本
Members of Venezuela's intelligence services have detained the vice president of the National Assembly Edgar Zambrano.
委内瑞拉情报部门的成员扣留了国民大会的副主席Edgar Zambrano
The country's supreme court ordered that he along with six other MPs be investigated and charged with treason.
该国最高法院下令调查Edgar和其他六名议员 并以叛国罪指控他们
Research by the BBC has found that only a small fraction of people traveling by plane are choosing to pay extra to offset their carbon footprint.
BBC的调查发现 只有一小部分乘坐飞机出行的人愿意多付额外费用来抵消他们的碳排放量
That is despite jet fuel creating millions of tons of carbon dioxide.
And in football, the second extraordinary comeback by an English team in the space of two days.
现在来看足球赛事 一支英格兰球队在两天内有了第二次非凡复出
Tottenham Hotspur have beaten Ajax Amsterdam by three goals to two in Amsterdam.